Inheritance pattern: Autosomal dominant
Genes producing the alleles: Lewis (Le, FUT3) gene on chromosome 19 at position 19p13.3, secretor (Se, FUT2) gene at 19q13.3
Antigens: Lewis a (Le^a) and Lewis b (Le^b)
Characteristics of Lewis a:
Formed by adding α(1,4)-fucose residue to precursor chains
Predominantly found in secretions like saliva, gastric mucosa, and amniotic fluid
Synthesized by the FUT3 gene
Characteristics of Lewis b:
Formed by adding β(1,3)-galactose and α(1,4)-fucose residues to precursor chains
Predominant Lewis antigen on red blood cells
Synthesized by both FUT2 and FUT3 genes
Prevalence: Varies among populations, more common in European descent
Antibodies: Lewis antibodies are naturally occurring, primarily IgM, and do not cross the placenta