refers to the flow of electricity in an electronic circuit, and to the amount of electricity flowing through a circuit.
Electric Current
Symbol: I (current)
Unit: A (Ampere)
is a device that measures electric current.
Direct Current - DC
Current flows in one direction only.
Alternating Current-AC
Current flows in one direction, then the other, and alternates back and forth.
Is used in one’s home single phase.
Is the flow of electrons through a conductor
Measure in Ampere
Measured with Amp Meter
Electron Current flow
Negative to positive flow
Positive to negative flow
is the pressure from an electrical circuit's power source that pushes the current through a conducting loop, enabling it to do work such as illuminating a light.
is the work done on the charges in order for the current to move or flow.
is a device that measures voltage.
refers to the hindrance experienced by charges as they flow through the wires and loads of the circuit.
limits the flow of current in an electric circuit in order to ensure that current flows at appropriate levels.
Symbol: R (resistance)
Unit: Ω (Ohm)
Symbol: V (Voltage)
Unit: V (Volts)
I is directly proportional to V
I is inversely proportional to R
V is directly proportional to I
V is inversely proportional to R
R is inversely proportional to I
R is inversely proportional to V
Ohm's Law
It requires one volt to push one amp of current through one ohm of resistance in a DC circuit.
It is a proportion that shows how voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R) are related in a circuit.