stratification is how people are divided in society according to wealth, power and status
stratification means that individuals are structured in a hierarchy of strata that have unequal ranking. The top layer is the smallest and most powerful
the elite are the people at the top of the hierarchy
ascribed status os a social standing given to an individual at birth
achieved status is social standing gained as a result of work
in an open system you can achieve status through choices
in a closed system there is little or no chance to move or change your status
communism is the communal ownership of private property and shared equally
capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership, extreme wealth is generated for a minority
the Lumpenproletariat are the social class beneath the working class, they are the 'drop outs' and criminals of society
false class consciousness is when the proletariat is unaware of their status and don't realise that they are being exploited
the petty bourgeoisie are a social class that own small businesses but are not powerful or wealthy enough to be part of the bourgeoisie
life chance's are the opportunities that someone has to be able to access socially desirable resources or outcomes throughout their life
social mobility is the movement between social classes
intra-generational social mobility is over your lifetime
inter-generational social mobility is differences between parents and children
embourgeoisiement - the process of becoming part of the middle class
affluent worker - someone who is in a manual job is well paid for their work and has income that is similar to a white collar worker
absolute poverty is when you don't have enough money to survive
relative poverty is when you don't have enough money to meet the general standard of living of most other people in your society
a poverty line is a measure of minimum income required to meet the essential cost of living
primary poverty is absolute poverty, they spent all their money on basic essentials but still need to go without
secondary poverty is when they had enough money for essential items but fell into poverty because they bought non-essential items such as alcohol
Dependencytheory - employment pays less than the benefits that they would lose if they join the work force - povertytrap
Cultureofpoverty - poverty can be a way of life that is passed down from one generation to the next
Economicsystem - people in poverty are excluded from the labour market and/or are in a weakposition so they are trapped in low-paid employment
the underclass are a group of people who are at the very bottom of the social class scale who rely on benefits
Perverse incentives are rewards for bad behaviour
the welfare state is a government system for supporting the health and general wellbeing of the population. It is a safety net to keep people above the poverty line
authority - a form of power in which people willingly obey commands
coercion - the use of force or threats to make someone do something, for example through torture
Rational authority - rules and procedures that are generally believed to be fair and impartial, for example military officers give orders that are obeyed without question
Traditional authority - a form of power based on established customs and inherited status, for example the monarch
Charismatic authority - a type of authority based on the unusual personal gifts of a particular leader, for example Hitler
power - dominance or control of one individual over others.
Constitution - a nation state's essential laws governing the rights of citizens
Democracy - a political system that allows individual citizens to elect their representatives to parliament
Nation State - an independent geographically located state, whose citizens recognise a common nationalistic identity
Partisan alignment - voting out of party loyalty
Partisan dealignment - voting out of self-interest