Who ruled Scotland for MQS while she was in France?
Mary Guise
When does MQS arrive in England?
When was MQS imprisoned in Carlisle Castle?
When was the Northern Rebellion?
When was the Ridolfi plot?
When was the throckmorton plot?
Which 2 rebellions was MQS rumoured to be part of?
Throckmorton and Babington
When was the Babington plot?
When was MQS executed?
February 1587
What was the % of women who died in childbirth?
Give an example of someone who died in childbirth.
Jane Seymour
Why did Elizabeth face backlash?
There was controversy over the death of Robert Dudley's wife and then he agreed to return to Catholicism if Philip II supported a marriage between dudley and Liz
Elizabeth was believed to be a part of the plot to poison Robert Dudley's Wife - The rumour was started by William Cecil to put a stop to the marriage
Elizabeth's proposed marriage to Alencon caused pubic outcry as he was a french catholic. The marriage didn't go ahead
What prevented the pope from excommunicating her at the start of her reign?
Her possible marriage to Philip of spain
The threat that Elizabeth could marry and have a child was a way to get Mary to behave herself
Elizabeth came down with a serious case of small pox in 1562
How many times did Parliament petition for Elizabeth to marry?