
Cards (20)

  • When was MQS born?
  • Who ruled Scotland for MQS while she was in France?
    Mary Guise
  • When does MQS arrive in England?
  • When was MQS imprisoned in Carlisle Castle?
  • When was the Northern Rebellion?

  • When was the Ridolfi plot?
  • When was the throckmorton plot?
  • Which 2 rebellions was MQS rumoured to be part of?
    Throckmorton and Babington
  • When was the Babington plot?
  • When was MQS executed?
    February 1587
  • What was the % of women who died in childbirth?
  • Give an example of someone who died in childbirth.
    Jane Seymour
  • Why did Elizabeth face backlash?
    There was controversy over the death of Robert Dudley's wife and then he agreed to return to Catholicism if Philip II supported a marriage between dudley and Liz
  • Elizabeth was believed to be a part of the plot to poison Robert Dudley's Wife - The rumour was started by William Cecil to put a stop to the marriage
  • Elizabeth's proposed marriage to Alencon caused pubic outcry as he was a french catholic. The marriage didn't go ahead
  • What prevented the pope from excommunicating her at the start of her reign?
    Her possible marriage to Philip of spain
  • The threat that Elizabeth could marry and have a child was a way to get Mary to behave herself
  • Elizabeth came down with a serious case of small pox in 1562
  • How many times did Parliament petition for Elizabeth to marry?
    3 (1559, 1563, 1576)
  • What did Elizabeth claim she was married to?
    Her country