The films of Sam Peckinpah, mostly westerns set in the same enviroment as NCFOM were particularly demonised for the glamorisation of violence.
Though we explicitly see Chigurh's killing in the first half of the film, the second half of the film contains most of the killings off screen, wells, chicken truck driver, cj.
Criticing capatalism, and the crimogenic effects of it.
Neo-conservatism is a political philosophy that emphasizes the importance of tradition: individualism and commerce in America.
Critics say neo-conservatism has reduced the role of government in public life.
Neo-conservatism has empowered large corporations at the expense of individuals and increased social inequality.
The gap between the rich and the poor has led to a culture of individualism where people have to compete with each other and take what they want in order to survive.
De-industrialisation: industries suffered high levels of unemployment
Regan administrated neo-conservatism
Ronald Regan = president from 1980 - 88
Core beliefs of neo-conservatism
Removal of government rules and restrictions on how business operate.
Core beliefs of neo-conservatism
Promotion of idea of individual freedom
Core beliefs of neo-conservatism
Support for low level tax + big military spending
Core beliefs of neo-conservatism
Privatisation of public services
Core beliefs of neo-conservatism
Championing of family values and moral opposition to social issues such as abortion and gay rights.
Supported say neo-conservatism rescued the country at the time: NCFOM subverts this
Opponents say it made America an unequal country suffering from extremely high levels of unemployment