Cards (10)

  • Coen Brothers have said that the narrative reflects the 'changing west' (speech in opening).
  • Westerns were incredibly popular in the first half of the 20th century and were amongst hte first genres hollywood produced.
  • During mid 20th century - westerns took on a moral dimension, with starts representing a kind of american decency that Sheriff Bell is mourning.
  • The film paints an unsettling and complex picture of contemporary America
  • 1960s + 70s America was involved in anti-communist war in Vietnam
  • The successes of the civil rights movement in the 1960s meant America was forced to reflect on the racism that underpinned its history
  • American society, particularly the South had been heavily segregated and deeply racist.
  • American society had been painted by Hollywood in an idealised way
  • NCFOM reflects an America coming to terms with lost certainties in the late 20th century and early 21st century.
  • The period of the film (1890s) is an America heavily defined by individualism and commerce AKA neo-conservatism