
Cards (12)

  • Stereoisomers are molecules with the same structural formula but the atoms have a different arrangement in space.
  • Alkanes are fully rotational so do not form stereoisomers.
  • Cis/trans isomers are one naming system for geometric stereoisomerism.
  • Any alkene can have cis/trans isomerism provided:
    • The carbon atoms on either side of the double bond are attached to two different groups
    • At least one of these two groups from either side are the same as one another.
  • In a cis isomer, the two atoms/groups would be on the same side of the molecule as one another.
  • In a trans isomer, the two same atoms/groups are on opposite sides of the molecules to one another.
  • E/Z stereoisomerism is another naming system.
  • Z ( zusammen ) isomer has the Same atoms or higher priority atoms on the same side of the molecule.
  • E ( entgegen ) isomers have the same atoms or higher priority atoms on the opposite sides of the molecule.
  • The EZ naming system can be used on molecules where the c=c double bonds are bonded to four different atoms. This is done using CIP priority rules.
  • The element with the highest atomic number on one side of a carbon double bond is the higher priority element.
  • If both of the atoms attached to the same carbon have the same atomic number, you would move to the next atom bonded to the previous atom until one has a higher atomic number.