
Cards (115)

  • The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 marked the reunification of East and West Germany.
  • in the middle ages people believe miasma was the cause of disease
  • in the middle ages people believes famine was a cause of disease
  • in the middle ages people believed god sent diseases as a punishment for sin fleas on rats spread plague
  • in the middle ages people believe the imbalance of the four humours caused illness
  • in the middle ages people believed poverty caused disease and illness
  • in the middle ages accidents and warfare was the real reason for causes of death
  • in the middle ages the real reason for illness and disease was the black death in 1348
  • in the middle ages a real reason for illness and death is poor living conditions
  • in the early morden era a reason for illness and disease was the great plague being spread by fleas in rats
  • in the early modern people still believe bad smells or cats and dogs were the cause of disease
  • in the industrial age people thought the growth of industry led to multiple issues for example pollution and child labour cause illness
  • in the industrial age dangerous jobs such as matchstick making led to phossy jaw causes illness
  • in the industrial age people thought unhealthy towns and cities led to epidemics for example typhoid and cholera causes illness
  • in the 21st century 1918 spanish flu was spread during WW1 causes illness
  • 21st century aids caused by lifestyle choices for example unprotected sex and drugs caused illness
  • 21st century poor diets and unhealthy lifestyle caused illness
  • in the middle ages preventions would be avoid sex, whip themselves, see soothsayers, see alchemists and balance 4 humours
  • in the early modern preventions where set up quarantine to prevent spread, used signs and boundary stones, burnt all belongings that be to people with diseases
  • in the industrial age preventions were cold water treatment, Edward Jenner produced a vaccine to prevent small pox by injecting for cow pox, John snow discovered the link between cholera and dirty water, Louis Pasteurs developed germ theory also developed rabies vaccine, Robert Kochs developed bacteriology also discovered a TB vaccine
  • in the 21st century prevention where vaccination, child mortality dropped, Dr wakefield assumed MMR vaccine caused autism, vaccination rates are not as high
  • middle ages treatment and cure was herbal remedies, blood getting, superstition through zodiac charts, barber surgeons
  • ealry modern treatments and cures were discovered of medicine such as tobacco and rhubarb, plants that looked like the part of a body would be used
  • industrial age treatment and cures would be James simpson discovery of anaesthetics, Joseph Listers discovery of antiseptics, aseptic techniques such as sterilisation improved survival rates
  • in the 21st century treatment and cure Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, Marie curies developed radiation, Christian Barbara executed first heart transplant
  • middle ages medical knowledge was based on the four humours, all doctors were trained by the church, human dissection was forbidden
  • early modern medical knowledge, Vesalius understood the human anatomy also proved Galen wrong, Ambroise Pare used ligatures to tie up arteries, william Harvey discovered blood circulation
  • industrial age medical knowledge, louis Pasteur germ theory, Robert koch discovered bacteriology, he was able to explain how antibodies worked, Paul Ehelichs discovered the cure for syphilis
  • 21st century medical knowledge, improved the understanding of what happened in the human body like X- rays, ultrasounds also DNA and genetic engineering have provided further advances
  • middle ages patient care church played central role providing hospitals like monasteries, and alms-houses
  • early modern patient care Henry VIII closed all the monasteries down, church no longer ran hospitals, king paid for 5 hospitals to be opened
  • industrial age patient care, number grew of hospitals, crime and war helped changed nursing care, Nightingale cleaned wards, separated patients, she also trained other nurses and Seacole nursed soldiers, served hot meals and looked after the wounded soldiers
  • 21st century patient care national insurance act and NHS was created
  • public health in the middle ages, people lives alongside animals, no proper sewage, cramped housing, people cleaned streets but places waste in river and into streams
  • public health in the early modern Henry VIII forbid slaughter houses, after the great fire london was rebuilt, streets wider
  • public health in the industrial age Edwin Chadwick campaigned for the Public Health Act, which allowed local councils to set up public health departments, the second public health act were forces to provide clean water, cover sweated and collect rubbish
  • 21st century public health was impacted by ww1 housing act set up a house builiding scheme, ww2 impacted house building schemes to replace damage providing affordable housing, clean air act cut pollution
  • problems in Ancoats was overcrowding population rose from 11038 to 55983
  • problems in ancoats was immigration rapidly rose which led to overcrowding and poor sanitisation, poor quality back to back houses were built
  • problems in ancoats diseases there was Typhus, cholera and Dysentery