
Cards (16)

  • Who publishes Vogue?
    Condé Nast, since 1909
  • When was Vogue launched?
    American Vogue was launched in 1892 by Arthur Turnure, and British Vogue (which we are studying) was started in 1916
  • What are the key modes through which magazines communicate meaning?
    images and text
  • What did magazine publishers do to combat the rise of television in the 50's and 60's?
    They targeted particular segments of the audience rather than aiming for mass market appeal
  • We still see magazines everywhere, in shops, waiting rooms and people's homes. What does this suggest about the magazine industry?
    There is still an audience for the traditional print magazine
  • What are some of the conventions of a magazine front cover?
    1. main image
    2. a distinctive masthead (the title of the magazine presented in form of a logo)
    3. cover lines. (text which previews what's inside the magazine)
    4. a date line
  • What are the main functions of a front cover?
    1. indicate who the magazine is for
    2. indicates the genre
    3. helps the magazine stand out by conveying a clear sense of brand identity
    4. persuades potential readers to buy it
  • What should you consider when analysing the front cover?
    1. typography
    2. colour scheme
    3. placement or positioning of different elements on the cover
  • What are the Main Components of a Magazine Article?
    1. title or headline
    2. a stand-first or strapline (follows the headline and provides more information)
    3. pull quotes (extracts drawn from the main body and presented as a design feature)
    4. body copy
    5. image
    6. captions
  • Vogue is in the "women's magazine" genre. What subgenre is it in?
    "fashion magazine"
  • Social Historical Context
    1. the 50s and 60s witnessed the rise of consumerism
    2. the 1960s was a time of sexual revolution due to the introduction of the contraceptive pill
    3. 1960s Britain was at the centre of a cultural revolution with the emergence of new trends in music; fashion and film
  • Why is the representation of gender in magazines under much critical debate?

    The messages and values that they convey and the influence they might have on audiences. Readers are generally instructed on how to look think and behave.
  • Key quote on Women's magazines:

    they constantly reiterate the need to "Be more beautiful"- Marjorie Ferguson

    Apply this to cutex.
  • How to Magazines keep advertisers happy?

    They turn readers into consumers by by inviting them to buy products so that they can measure up to the beauty ideal.
  • What is a common criticism of women's magazines?
    Mainstream women's magazines often lack racial or ethnic diversity; when magazines do feature racially diverse women it often seems tokenistic.
  • What is whitewashing?

    The process through which a non-white person is made to appear white. This is often accomplished through editing or lighting set-ups which make skin tones appear lighter.