PR 1

Cards (10)

  • Epistemology:
    • Method of acquiring knowledge
    • Answers the question "How do we know"
    • Two kinds of knowledge:
    1. A priori knowledge: independent of experience
    2. A posteriori knowledge: dependent on experience, can come from others' experiences
  • Research:
    • Systematic process of collecting and logically analyzing information for a purpose
    • Two kinds of research:
    1. Inductive Research: infers theoretical concepts and patterns from observable data to develop theory
    2. Deductive Research: tests concepts and patterns from theory using new empirical data to test existing data
  • Empirical data:
    • Provides another approach with existing data
  • Types of Research:
    • Basic/Pure: done out of curiosity, no need for respondents/participants
    • Applied/Practical: aims to provide practical solutions with immediate usefulness
    • Exploratory: familiarizes on a topic, deals with variables like deductive research
    • Descriptive: observes and describes witnessed events, can add information from other resources
    • Explanatory: explains relationships between variables, including cause and effect
  • Quality and Quantity:
    • Scientists prefer quantitative research for providing data
    • Quantitative methods deal with collecting and processing numerical data to answer questions like "how often?" or "how much?"
    • Qualitative methods offer insights that quantitative data alone cannot elucidate
  • Parts of Research:
    1. The problem and its background
    2. Review of related literature (RRL)
    3. Research method
    4. Results and discussion
    5. Summary of findings, conclusion, and recommendation
    (Bibliography) (Appendix)
    • Follow the "AIMRD" method: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion
  • The Process of Research:
    1. Identify the research problem
    2. Review related literature
    3. Specify a research purpose
    4. Collect data
    5. Analyze and interpret data
    6. Report and evaluate research
  • Ethical Standards in Conducting Research:
    1. Non-harmful procedures for participants and researchers
    2. Informed consent from relevant institutions
    3. Anonymity and confidentiality of participants
    4. Informing participants about the research
    5. Avoiding scientific misconduct like result manipulation
  • Qualitative Research:
    • Focuses on words, participants' point of view, and close researcher interaction
    • Concerned with the process, meaning, and natural settings
    • Involves fieldwork and inductive reasoning to build abstractions and theories from details
  • Characteristic and Types of Research:
    • Empirical, logical, cyclical, analytical, methodical, replicable, and critical
    • Mixed methods combining quantitative and qualitative designs are becoming popular based on research objectives and questions