Aetiology of sarcomas can include exposure to chemicals like herbicides/pesticides, asbestos, inherited factors, post-radiotherapy, and immunodeficiency
Treatment of sarcomas involves wide local excision, radiotherapy, and sometimes chemotherapy. Targeted therapies like Imatinib may be used for specific types of sarcomas
Neuroendocrine neoplasms are tumors with endocrine function and neural features. They can be malignant, highly aggressive and lethal (small cell carcinoma), less aggressive (carcinoid tumor), or benign
Small cell carcinoma usually arises in the lung, is a high-grade neuroendocrine neoplasm, and often produces ectopic hormones like ACTH. It is positive for neuroendocrine markers and presents with small cells with specific characteristics
Carcinoid tumors are low-grade neuroendocrine neoplasms that can arise in various locations like the appendix, ileum, bronchus, or anywhere. They are biologically malignant but may not metastasize for many years
Germ cell tumors can include seminoma, dysgerminoma, teratoma, choriocarcinoma, yolk sac tumor, embryonal carcinoma, and mixed tumors. They arise from cells that can recapitulate the 3 germ cell layers
Seminoma is a malignant germ cell tumor that typically occurs in males aged 20-40 and has a characteristic lymphocytic host response. It usually does not require chemotherapy unless in late stages
Teratoma can be malignant in adult testis and benign in adult ovary. Malignancy is due to the presence of immature or malignant components in the tumor at histology
Embryonic tumors are aggressive childhood tumors consisting of one embryonal-like cell. They can involve various organs like the neural tissue, kidney, retina, and cerebellum