diss lesson 1

Cards (42)

  • Social Science
    • study of phenomena
    • study of society
    • tells us about the world beyond our immediate experience
  • social science two important contexts:
    • Involves Scientific Process
    • Inquires about the social space
  • Plato
    • Human Nature or the soul is a reflection of society
    • Argue that the systematic use of our reason can show us the best way to live
    • if we truly understand human nature (psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind,) we can find “individual happiness and social stability.”
  • Aristotle
    • Human beings have a Natural Desire
    • Also discussed how different types of governments
  • Herodotus
    • How different cultures of different societies converged and diverged
  • Al-Biruni
    • Islamic Medieval Scholar
    • Father of Comparative Religion
    • Founder of Indology
    • Documented the lives of early populations in the Middle East
    • The remaining Signs of the Past Century - is a comparative study of the different calendars of cultures
  • Ibn Khaldun
    • North African Muslim Scholar
    • One of the key founders of several disciplines in Social Sciences
    • How societies originated, how they functioned and how they were governed
  • Thomas Hobbes
    • Monarchs are essential to enforce the will of the people
    • Monarchs’ power came from the people
  • John Locke
    • power of the state to govern is a power given by the people
  • Montesquieu
    • One of the great political philosophers of the Enlightenment
    • Government having a system of checks and balances, and called for the separation of government
  • 3 Branches of Government:
    1. Legislative - authority to make, change, and revoke laws
    2. Executive - implements and enforces law
    3. Judicial - interprets the meaning of laws
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau
    • Philosopher from Geneva
    • Social contract exist, which enables a society to function
  • The French Revolution 1789-1799
    • bloodiest in modern history
    • Caused by economic, social and political problems that plagued France
  • King Louis XVI (16th)
    • Louis-Auguste, duc de Berry
    • Last king of France (1774–92)
  • Marie-Antoinette
    Austrian queen consort
    1. Clergy - priests
    2. Nobility - royals
    3. Masses - working class
  • consequences of the Revolution:
    • Empowerment of working class
    • Weakening of the ecclesiastical and monarchial power
  • The Industrial Revolution
    • nonviolent source of social change
    • technological advancements
  • Thomas Robert Malthus
    Population growth unless checked
  • Adam Smith
    Intensification of production
  • John Stuart Mill
    Most influential English language philosopher of the nineteenth century
  • The Rise of Capitalism
    dominant form of economy
  • Migrations
    1. Slums - highly populated urban
    2. Congestion - place is too blocked or crowded
    3. Poor Working Conditions - poses a hazard to employees, costumers, and visitors
  • William Thompson
    • His book: An Inquiry into the Principles of the Distribution of Wealth most Conductive to Human Happiness.
    • Social Science was first appeared in his book in the year 1824
  • Karl Marx
    Unjust treatment of the working class
  • positivism - adheres to the view that only “factual” knowledge gained through observation
  • Auguste Comte
    • 3 stages in the development of reason:
    1. Theological- based on assumptions
    2. Philosophical – based on critical thinking
    3. Scientific - came from positive observation;most accurate
  • Emile Durkheim
    Strengthen the positivist method and argued in his work The Rules of Sociological Method
  • Post-Positivism Approach
    • any social phenomenon is understood using combination of logical reasoning and empirical observation
    • ventured into the concept of subjectivity
  • Inductive Research
    • aims to understand theoretical concepts
  • Deductive Research
    aims to test theories using new observed data’s
  • Qualitative Research
    non numerical data such as texts and spoken words
  • Quantitative Research
    • relies heavily on numerical data’s
  • Interdisciplinary Approach
    • allows for a constant sharing of theories and methodologies
  • Natural Science
    • 3 primary fields of inquiry: Chemistry, Biology and Physics
    • highly empirical stance that it aims to discover laws
  • Social Science
    • regarded as the Soft Science compared to natural science that is considered as the real science / hard science.
  • Humanities
    • aim of Humanities is to produce wisdom by understanding social realities through reflection
  • Social Science
    reflective understanding of social reality
  • inductive research
    • gather, pattern/analyze, theory