Malaysia Rainforest - living world

Cards (10)

  • Cause- Subsistence and commercial farming
    Indigenous tribes "slash" and "burn" to clear areas to grow food but can destroy large areas if out of control
  • Cause- mining
    Mining or smelting of tin and drying oil or gas
    Rainforest cleared to make way for mines and roads
    Mining leads to poisonous by products polluting land and rivers
  • Cause- logging
    1980s- Malaysia was the world's largest exporter of tropical trees
    Felling was common leading to total destruction of habitats
  • Cause- energy
    $2 billion Bakun Dam in Sarawak finished in August 2011 but was built to provide HEP for industry
    Impacts include:
    Flooding of 700km² land
    9000 indigenous people were forced to relocate
  • Cause: resettlement
    Historically, poor urban dwellers in Malaysia were encouraged to move into the countryside to relieve pressure on the cities; a policy known as transmigration
  • Cause - road building
    Building roads to access logging, oil, and mining sites in the rainforest leads to illegal logging and mining
  • Impacts - economic
    Jobs from mining, farming and energy, companies pay tax which improved infrastructure
    Carbon sink increased climate change, loss of medicinal plants
    Tourism decreases
  • Impacts - soil erosion
    No roots binding the soil means wind and rain remove through soil erosion and leaching
  • Impacts - climate change
    Cutting down trees means that no carbon store and burning trees releases CO2
    Deforestation reduces moisture and gives a drier climate
  • Location:
    South East Asia