Investigating the brain HT: Homeostasis and response: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (15)

  • Brain
    A mass of nerve tissue consisting of billions of interconnected neurones that acts as the main control centre of the nervous system
  • Brain mapping
    A set of neuroscience techniques used to create a map of the various brain areas and their functions
  • Neuroscientist
    A scientist who studies the brain and nervous system
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    Can be used to look at which parts of the brain are most active during certain activities
  • MRI scanner
    A type of scanner that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce images of inside of the body
  • Electrical stimulation
    Can be used to look at behaviour in response to stimulation and narrow down specific brain regions to their functions
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG)

    A test that detects and records electrical activity in the brain
  • Examine brain damage
    To look at areas of damage and link these areas to their function by seeing what effects the damage causes
  • Brain damage
    Injury to a particular part or parts of the brain
  • Brain surgery
    Needed to remove tumours or excess fluid such as blood
  • Complex structures
    It can be difficult to work out which parts carry out what function
  • Delicate and easy to damage
    Brain examination should ideally be non-invasive to prevent injury and brain surgery should be carefully carried out
  • Difficult to access the brain
    A complication of brain investigation that can be overcome using techniques such as EEG or MRI scanners
  • Consequences of brain surgery
    There is a possibility of damaging the brain further or side effects can be created which can affect quality of life
  • Brain disease
    Damage to the brain caused by illness or trauma