How the eye focuses: Homeostasis and response: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (19)

  • Pupil
    Centre of the iris, it varies in size to regulate the amount of light that reaches the retina
  • Iris
    Made up of muscles called circular and radial muscles that work antagonistically to regulate the size of the pupil
  • Reflex response to dim light
    Circular muscles relax, radial muscles contract, pupil dilates so that more light can enter the eye
  • Reflex response to bright light
    Circular muscles contract, radial muscles relax, pupil constricts so that less light can enter the eye
  • Cornea
    Focuses the entry of light into the eye but is fixed and unable to adjust its focus
  • Lens
    Focuses light rays to the back of the eye and can change shape to adjust focus for distant and near objects
  • Retina
    The light-sensitive surface at the back of the eye containing receptor cells that detect light
  • Accommodation
    The process by which the eye lens changes shape to focus on near or distant objects
  • Ciliary muscles
    Works with the suspensory ligaments and can contract or relax to adjust the shape of the lens
  • Suspensory ligaments
    Works with the ciliary muscles and can loosen or be pulled tight to adjust the shape of the lens
  • Focusing on a near object
    Ciliary muscles contract, suspensory ligaments loosen, lens is thicker and refracts light rays strongly
  • Focusing on a distant object
    Ciliary muscles relax, suspensory ligaments pull tight, lens is pulled thin and only slightly refracts light rays
  • Hyperopia (long-sightedness)

    Where a person has difficulty focusing on nearby objects because the light rays focus behind the retina
  • Causes of hyperopia
    When the lens is too weak or the eyeball is too short
  • Myopia (short-sightedness)

    Where a person has difficulty focusing on distant objects because the light rays focus in front of the retina
  • Causes of myopia
    When the lens is too strong or eyeball is too long
  • Convex lenses
    Used for correcting hyperopia by moving an image forward and focusing it on the retina
  • Concave lenses
    Used for correcting myopia by moving an image further back and focusing it on the retina
  • Modern sight treatments
    Hard and soft contact lenses, laser surgery and lens replacement