The nervous system: Homeostasis and response: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (17)

  • Nervous system
    The network of nerve cells and fibres that transmits nerve impulses between parts of the body
  • Neurones
    Basic cells of the nervous system that carry electrical impulses around the body
  • Electrical impulses
    The impulses or signals that are carried by neurones
  • Central nervous system (CNS)

    The brain and the spinal cord
  • Peripheral nervous system
    The parts of the nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord such as the sensory and motor neurones
  • Stimulus
    A change in an organism's surroundings
  • Receptors
    Special structures that allow living organisms to sense the conditions of their internal or external environment
  • Sensory neurone
    A neurone that carries impulses from the sensory organs to the central nervous system
  • Coordinator
    The central nervous system which formulates a response to a stimulus before sending impulses to an effector
  • Motor neurone
    A neurone that sends impulses from the CNS to an effector
  • Effector
    A structure that acts in response to a stimulus such as muscles which contract or glands which secrete hormones
  • Response
    A reaction to a stimulus
  • Reflex arc
    A shorter nerve pathway involved in a reflex action made up of a sensory neurone, relay neurone and a motor neurone
  • Relay neurone
    A short type of neurone that is involved in reflex actions and is found in the spinal cord
  • Reflex response
    A quick and involuntary reaction to a stimulus such as moving a hand away from a hot object
  • Synapse
    A junction or gap between neurones where information in chemical form is transmitted from one neurone to the next
  • Neurotransmitter
    A chemical that is released from the ends of an active neurone and diffuses across the synapse to other neurones