Contraception: Homeostasis and response: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (18)

  • Contraception
    A method or device used to prevent pregnancy from occuring
  • Hormonal methods
    Contraceptive methods that involve the use of hormones to inhibit other reproductive hormones and prevent egg implantation
  • Non-hormonal methods

    Contraceptive methods such as barrier methods that do not involve the use of hormones
  • Barrier methods
    Contraceptive methods that prevent the sperm from reaching the egg
  • Oral contraceptive
    A contraceptive such as the combined pill which must be swallowed to work
  • Combined pill
    An oral contraceptive containing oestrogen and progesterone that inhibits other hormones and prevents egg formation and implantation
  • Progesterone-only pill (POP)

    An oral contraceptive containing just progesterone to reduce the chances of side effects associated with oestrogen
  • Condom
    An effective barrier method that is also the only contraceptive capable of preventing sexually-transmitted infections
  • Femidom
    A female condom that is worn inside of the vagina during sexual intercourse
  • Diaphragm or cap
    A long-lasting barrier method that is inserted into the vagina and covers the cervix to prevent sperm from reaching the uterus
  • Intrauterine device (IUD)

    A T-shaped copper-coated device that is professionally inserted into the uterus and can kill sperm or prevent the implantation of an embryo
  • Intrauterine system (IUS)

    A T-shaped plastic device that is professionally inserted into the uterus and releases progesterone to inhibit egg development
  • Injection, implant or skin patch
    Sources of slow release progesterone which inhibits the maturation of eggs for a number of months or years
  • Spermicidal agents
    Kills or disable sperm to reduce the chances of pregnancy, often used in combination with other contraceptive methods
  • Abstaining
    Choosing not to have sexual intercourse especially when an egg may be in the oviduct
  • Family planning
    Careful planning by individuals regarding pregnancy and contraception that may involve research and education, can be mediated by professionals
  • Surgical methods
    Male and female sterilisation are permanent methods of contraception, chosen by individuals who no longer want children
  • Reason for specific contraceptive choices
    Lifestyle, effectiveness, risk of side effects, permanence of method, infection prevention, ease of application, frequency of use