Use of plant hormones HT: Homeostasis and response: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (16)

  • Agriculture
    The art and science of farming involving cultivating soil and growing crops
  • Horticulture
    The art or practice of garden cultivation and management
  • Uses of auxins
    Herbicides, rooting powders, promoting growth in tissue culture
  • Auxins in rooting powder
    Auxins in specific concentrations can promote the growth of the roots of plant cuttings
  • Auxins in weedkiller

    Auxins in high concentrations can cause plants to grow too fast and use up energy stores and die
  • Selective weedkiller
    Auxins can target specific plants by causing them to grow quicker and absorb substances such as weedkiller at a faster rate
  • Negative impact of weedkiller
    Can significantly reduce biodiversity and impact food chains
  • Tissue culture
    A plant divided into small cultures of cells that is incubated with plant hormones for the mass production of identical plant clones
  • Plant cuttings
    A piece of a plant that is removed and dipped in rooting powder to produce a genetically identical plant clone
  • Plant clones
    Genetically identical plants that can be quickly produced and have identical characteristics
  • Applications of plant clones
    Can be used for plant species conservation, scientific research or for horticultural purposes
  • Apical meristem
    The growth region in plant shoots and roots containing undifferentiated cells and is also the site of auxin production
  • Gibberellins
    Plant hormones that are important in the initiation of seed germination
  • Uses of gibberellins
    End seed dormancy by encouraging early germination, promote flowering, increase fruit size and produce seedless fruit
  • Ethene
    Plant hormone that controls cell division and promotes ripening of fruits
  • Uses of ethene
    Used in the food industry to control ripening of fruit during storage and transport by promoting or inhibiting ethene release