not all tissuefluid re enters the capillaries at the venule end of the capillary bed - some excesstissuefluid is left over and eventually gets returned to the blood through the lymphatic system
( drainagesystem made up of lymph vessels )
the smallest lymph vessels are lymph capillaries
excesstissuefluid passes into lymph vessels. once inside its called lymph
valves in the lymphvessels stop the lymph going backwards
lymph gradually movestowards the mainlymphvessels in the thorax. here its returned to the blood, near theheart
the smallestlymph vessels are lymphcapillaries
excess tissue fluid passes into lymph vessels. once inside its calledlymph
valves in the lymphvesselsstopthelymph going backwards
lymphgraduallymovestowards the main lymphvessels in the thorax. here its returned to the blood, near the heart
label the diagram
A) valve
B) capillary containing blood
C) red blood cells
D) blood to heart
E) blood from heart
F) lymphatic vessel
G) tissue fluid
H) lymph
blood :
contains - red blood cell, white blood cell, platelets, proteins, water, dissolved solutes
tissue fluid: contains - very few wbc, very few proteins, water and dissolved substances