Parsons argues that the functions of the family have changedovertime and there are twofunctions that only the nuclear family can carryout.
Primary socialisation of children
Teaching children their culture from the day they are born in order for the children to be committed to their culture and obey the norms, values and laws of society.
Stabilisation of adult personalities
Work and adult responsibilities are very stressful.
Having children allows adults to indulge their childish side and keep themselves calm, which is good for both the individual and society.
Parsons also described the family as a “warm bath” and said that married couples provide comfort and emotional support for each other.
Parsons believed it was natural that…
MEN went out to work as BREADWINNERS - they had an instrumental role.
WOMEN should stay at home, look after the children and carry out domestic duties (triple shift) (HOUSEWIVES) - they had an expressive role.