lipid transport

Cards (26)

  • chylomicrons leave the enterocyte and enter the lymphatic system and then drain into the venous system
  • MCFA and SCFA are not part of the chylomicron, they enter blood directly from the enterocytes, bind to albumin
  • lipoprotein lipase (LPL): stimulates lipolysis, the breakdown of TG and FA and glycerol, which can enter the cell
  • Muscle: FA used as source of energy or combined with glycerol to form an intramuscular triglycerides (IMTG)
  • Adipocyte: FA combine with glycerol to form TG
  • Chylomicron remnant: sent back to liver, contain dietary CE and fat-soluble vitamins
  • VLDL: transport dietary FA, could be from fructose in the liver (chylomicrons do not carry fructose derived FA)
  • LDL: deliver cholesterol to the body
  • HDL: pick up excess CE from nonliver cells and deliver to liver
  • Synthesis of VLDL: postprandial (also in fasted) in liver, in ER lumen, begins with synthesis of ApoB-100 and the MTTP, then mature VLDL
  • lipoprotein lipase recognizes Apo-C2 protein on surface of VLDL, FA are then uptaken by muscles or adipocyte
  • lipid storage: adipose tissue during fed state promotes FA uptake by insulin-mediated increase of LPL activity
  • VLDL and CM acquire Apo-C2 from HDL in circulation
  • Cholesterol is a steroid lipid and is synthesized in the body in liver, SI, adrenal cortex (steroid hormones) and the gonads
  • CE from the diet is much lower than synthesized
  • Lipoproteins transport endogenous CE and CMs transport dietary CE
  • Sex hormones: synthesized from cholesterol (estrogens, progesterone, testosterone)
  • Glucocorticoids (cortisol): synthesized from CE, adrenal cortex, promotes gluconeogensis
  • Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone): synthesized from CE, adrenal cortex, promote Na reabsorption
  • Bile acids: synthesized from CE, in liver
  • Isoprenoids: synthesized from CE precursors, vitamin D, isoprene base is from CE
  • CE synthesis: three acetyl-CoA make HMG-CoA
  • CE Synthesis: HMG-CoA is reduced by HMG-CoA reductase to make mevalonate, this is a key regulatory step and is targeted by statins
  • high levels of CE lead to HMGCR to get shuttled out of the ER membrane and broken down
  • HMGCR: active in dephosphorylated form, inactive in phosphorylated form
  • Dyslipidemia: low HDL, high LDL, high total-C, high TG. want high HDL because it shuttles CE out of cells