
Cards (9)

  • Vitamin A
    Fat Soluble
    Sources = Animal sources e.g. oily fish, eggs Highly coloured veg e.g. carrots, peppers, dark green veg
    Functions= Good eyesight Linings of nose, mouth, throat Growth Healthy eyes, skin, hair
    Deficiencies= Night blindness Linings become dry and irritated Delayed growth Dry skin
  • Vitamin D
    Fat Soluble
    Sources= Sunshine Oily fish e.g. sardines Cheese Eggs
    Functions= Works with calcium for healthy bones and teeth
    Deficiencies= Rickets Tooth decay Osteoporosis Osteomalacia
  • Vitamin E
    Fat Soluble
    Sources = Seeds Nuts Cereals
    Functions = Protects against heart disease Healthy skin
    Deficiencies= Rare
  • Vitamin K
    Fat Soluble
    Sources= Green veg Milk Cheese Made by bacteria in the intestines
    Function= Normal blood clotting
    Deficiencies= Blood will not clot normally
  • Fat Soluble Vitamins
    A D E K

    Stored in the fatty tissue of the body
    Supplies can build up to toxic levels this is called hypervitaminosis
  • Water soluble vitamins
    B group C
    Cannot be stored in the body
    Must be eaten every day
  • B group
    Water Soluble
    Sources= Meat Eggs Fortified cereals
    Functions= Controlling the energy released from food Healthy nervous system
    Deficiencies= Delayed growth Tiredness Beriberi (a serious nerve disease) Pellagra (a disease that affects the skin, causes diarrhoea and dementia and often results in death)
  • Folate or Folic Acid
    Water Soluble
    Sources= Wholemeal bread Fortified products Vitamin supplements
    Functions= Taking folic acid before and during pregnancy reduces the risk of neural tube defects in unborn babies
    Deficiencies = Neural tube defects e.g. Spina bifida
  • Vitamin C
    Water Soluble
    Sources= Fruits kiwis, lemons, oranges Veg peppers, peas , broccoli
    Functions= Good General health Healthy gums, skin and blood vessels Healing of wounds Helps absorption of iron
    Deficiencies= Colds and 'flu Scurvy (a disease that causes tiredness, muscle weakness, aching joints and bleeding gums) Delayed healing of wounds Anaemia