Cash Flow

Cards (5)

  • What are the reasons for using a cash flow forecast?
    • To identify potential cash flow problems in advance
    • To make sure that there is sufficient cash available to pay payables and to make other payments
    • When going to banks to ask for loans - business plan
    • To avoid the possibility of the company being forced into liquidation  because of a shortage of finance to pay debts
  • What is cash flow forecasting?
    The process of estimating the expected cash inflows and outflows over a period of time
  • What is liquidation?
    Closing down a business and selling off its assets to pay creditors.
  • What is a cash flow statement?
    A description of how cash actually flowed into and out of a business during a particular period of time
  • What are the possible causes of cash flow forecast inaccuracies?
    • Changing demand levels e.g. seasonality
    • Innacurate market research
    • Actions of rivals e.g. new entrants to the market
    • Customers or suppliers failing