CB1b-Plant and animal cells

Cards (10)

  • Name the terms in an animal cell
    Nucleus, Mitochrondia, Cytoplasm, Cell membrane, Ribosome
  • What is a nucleus?
    Contains genes and controls the activities of the cell
  • What is mitochondria?
    Tiny structures where respiration takes place, releasing energy for cell processes
  • What is cytoplasm?
    Jelly-like substance that fills the cell where reactions take place
  • What is a cell membrane?
    controls what goes in and out of the cell
  • What is ribosomes?
    Where proteins are made (Proteinsynthesis)
  • What can be found only in plant cells?
    Cell wall, Chloroplasts and vacuole
  • What is a cell wall?
    Made of cellulose, and is tough to maintain the cells shape.
  • What is a vacuole?
    Contains cell sap, which helps to keep the plant rigid
  • What are chloroplasts?
    They are organelles in plant cells that contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis to make food for the cell