As surface area and volume increases the SA:V decreases
Multicellular organisms have too bigger volume for their surface area.
Rate of diffusion = surface area x concentration difference / thickness of exchange surface
Single celled organisms have a high surface area:volume so oxygen can diffuse across cell membrane. Sufficient for needs.
Stomata allow for gas exchange in and out of a leaf.
Stomata close to prevent water loss.
Xerophytes - plants adapted to living in dry environments, or where their water loss due to transpiration exceed their water uptake.
Adaptations of xerophytes
Waxy cuticle - reduce transpiration
Rolling of leaves - Traps moist air in leaf reducing water potential gradient, therefore transpiration
Hairyleaves - traps moist air next to leaf, reducing water potential gradient, therefore transpiration.
Stomata in pits and grooves - traps moist air next to leaf, reducing water potential gradient, therefore transpiration.
ReducedSA:V - thin needles reduceSA and therefore water loss, increases photosynthesis
Number and distribution of stomata - less stomata = less water lost, stomata at bottom of leaf = shaded from sun
Gas exchange in insects:
Takes place in tracheae
Openings of tracheae are called spiracles
Tracheae divide into spiracles
How is a diffusion gradient maintained?
Oxygen is used up in respiration and carbon dioxide is produced creating a diffusion gradient in both directions.
How are tracheae supported and kept open?
Chitin rings
How are spiracles opened and closed?
What structures are present to help reduce evaporation at the spiracles?
Hairs - trap water which increases the water potential gradient and therefore reduces water loss.
Fish have a specialised internal gas exchange surface called gills.
Concentration of dissolved oxygen in water decreases as temperature rises.
Fish move water continually over their gas exchange surface, in one direction, as the oxygen consumption when the fish is at rest is really low in water (compared to air) and water density is really high.
Structure of the gills
A) Gill fillaments
B) Gill lamella or gill plates
C) Gill bar
D) Gill rakers
E) Gill filaments
F) Gill bar
Gas exchange in the gills takes place at the gill plates
Thin gill plates means there is a short diffusion pathway
Counter current flow - blood and water move in opposite directions to maintain the concentration gradient across the whole gill lamellae. Allows for extremely efficient exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between water and blood.
Parallel flow mechanism
Sharks don't use counter current mechanism
Drawback - equilibrium is reached half way along gill
Blood only gets 50% oxygenated
Ventilation in fish
Mouth opens and operculum moves out
Floor of mouth lowers, increases volume and decreases pressure
Outside water pressure closes opercular valve
Water flows in over gills from high to low pressure
Mouth closes and operculum moves in
Floor of mouth rises, decreases volume and increases pressure
Inside pressure opens opercular valve
Water flows out of opercular valve from high to low pressure.
Abdominal pumping increases the efficiency of gas exchange, why?
Abdominal pumping maintains a concentration gradient so air enters quicker through the spiracles.
Describe and explain how fish maintain water flow over their gills
Ventilation in fish
Mouth opens
Floor of mouth lowers decreasing pressure and water enters increasing volume
Mouth closes
Floor of mouth raises increasing pressure and opercular valves open
Increased pressure pushes water over gills
Describe and explain how the structure of the mammalian breathing system enables efficient uptake of oxygen into the blood.
alveoli provide a large surface area
walls of alveoli thin to provide a short diffusion pathway
walls of capillary thin / close to alveoli provide
walls (of capillaries / alveoli) have flattened cells
cell membrane permeable to gases
many blood capillaries provide a large surface area
Intercostal muscles move to ventilate lungs and maintain a concentration gradient