Cancer: Organisation: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (15)

  • Cancer
    Any malignant growth or tumour caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division
  • Uncontrolled growth
    When cells lose the ability to control growth
  • Cell division
    Process by which a cell divides into new daughter cells
  • Benign tumour
    A lump of cells that cannot invade neighbouring tissues or spread throughout the body
  • Abnormal cell
    When cell growth and division not under normal control processes
  • Malignant tumour
    Lump of cells that have developed the ability to travel to other parts of the body
  • Secondary tumour
    A lump of cells formed from a cell transported from a primary tumour
  • Carcinogen
    A cancer-causing substance
  • Ionising radiation

    Type of radiation such as UV, X-ray or gamma rays that can cause mutations in DNA
  • Smoking
    A risk factor for lung cancer
  • Genetic risk factor
    Specific genes which increase the risk of certain health problems
  • Lifestyle risk factor
    Specific actions which increase the risk of certain health problems
  • Mutation
    A change in a gene or chromosome
  • Radiotherapy
    A treatment for cancer using radiation
  • Chemotherapy
    A treatment for cancer using drugs