Heart, lungs and blood vessels: Organisation: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (22)

  • Heart
    A hollow and muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body
  • Lungs
    The main organs of the respiratory system, responsible for gas exchange where oxygen is exchange with carbon dioxide in the blood
  • Gaseous exchange
    The process where oxygen is taken in from the air and exchanged for carbon dioxide
  • Left ventricle
    Pumps oxygenated blood to the body through the aorta
  • Right ventricle
    Pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery
  • Atria
    Upper chambers of the heart that receive blood, the right atrium receives blood from the vena cava and the left atrium receives blood from the pulmonary vein
  • Aorta
    The largest artery in the body, carries oxygenated blood to the body from the left ventricle
  • Vena cava
    The largest vein in the body, carries deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart, specifically to the right atrium
  • Pulmonary artery

    Carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs
  • Pulmonary vein
    Carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
  • Coronary arteries
    Blood vessels that supply the muscle of the heart
  • Trachea
    Allows air to pass to and from lungs
  • Bronchi
    Two short branches at the lower end of the trachea that carry air into the lungs
  • Alveoli
    Tiny sacs of lung tissue where gaseous exchange takes place with the blood
  • Capillary network
    An interconnecting network of capillaries surrounding the alveoli
  • Arteries
    Blood vessels with thick walls, a narrow lumen and elastic fibres, they carry blood away from the heart
  • Veins
    Blood vessels with valves to prevent the back-flow of blood, thin walls and a large lumen, they carry blood back to the heart
  • Capillaries
    Smallest and thinnest blood vessels where the exchange of molecules takes place, they consist of a single layer of cells
  • Blood flow rate
    The volume of blood passing through a blood vessel per unit of time
  • Pacemaker
    The natural resting heart rate is controlled by a group of cells in the right atrium that act as a pacemaker
  • Artificial pacemaker
    Electrical devices used to correct irregularities in the heart rate
  • Double circulatory system
    The human circulatory system is a double system that has a circuit linking the heart and lungs and a circuit that links the heart to the rest of the body