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  • Emphysema is a lung condition where the walls of the alveoli lose their elasticity due to damage
  • The loss of elasticity leads to abnormal enlargement of the alveoli, reducing the total surface area for gas exchange
  • Degradation of alveolar walls can cause holes to develop and alveoli to merge into huge air spaces (pulmonary bullae)
  • Major cause of emphysema: smoking, as chemical irritants in cigarette smoke damage alveolar walls
  • Lung tissue damage from smoking leads to recruitment of phagocytes that produce elastase, breaking down elastic fibres in alveolar walls
  • A small proportion of emphysema cases are due to a hereditary deficiency in the enzyme inhibitor due to a gene mutation
  • Treatments for emphysema:
    • No current cure, but treatments available to relieve symptoms and delay disease progression
    • Bronchodilators relax bronchiolar muscles and improve airflow
    • Corticosteroids reduce the inflammatory response breaking down elastic fibres
    • Elastase activity can be blocked by enzyme inhibitor (α-1-antitrypsin) if elastase concentrations are not too high
    • Oxygen supplementation needed in later stages for adequate oxygen intake
    • Surgery and alternative medicines can help decrease symptom severity in some cases