A simple food web is not normally found in the community. Because most organisms feed on many different things a food web is a single diagram showing inter-connected food Chains.
living organisms are constantly interacting with each other: some important terms that are used.
a habitat: the place where organism lives.
species: a group of organisms that have the same ancestry; that closely resemble each other and can be inter breed to produce offspring
population: it is made up of all members of a species living together in a particular habitat
community: all the population of different species living in a particular area
Ecosystem: a community of living organisms interacting with each other and their environmentexamplesareapond,coralreef,swamporforest
DECOMPOSER: a group of organisms that are present in all ecosystems.
They are responsible for recycling dead plants and animals.THEY AREMICROORGAMISMS.
eg: bacteria and fungi which feed on dead organic matter.
During the process, they release carbon dioxide and minerals back to the environment
scavenger: this group feeds on dead plants and animals.eg:vultures,corbeau
prey: any plant or animal that is eaten by predators. eg: rabbit, deer, fish, bird, insect, etc.
predator: an animal that kills another animal to eat its flesh. eg: lion, tiger, snake, eagle, hawk, owl, crocodile, shark, etc.