first aid is an immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill.
Objectives of First Aid
Topromote recovery
2. Toprevent added/further injuryordanger
3. Toprolong life
First Aider
deals with the whole situation involving the patient and the injury or illness.
Characteristics of a Good First Aider 1.) Gentle
2.) Resourceful
3.) Observant
4.) Tactful,
5.) Empathetic
6.) Respectable
Hindrances in Giving First Aid
Presence of crowds.
Transmission of Diseases
Direct Transmission
Indirect Transmission
Two types of indirect transmission
Airborne Transmission
Vector Transmission
Cloth Materials Commonly Used In First Aid
Dressing - any sterile cloth material used to cover the wound.
Bandage - any cloth material sterile or not used to hold the dressing in place.
3. TriangularBandage
Other uses of bandages:
Control bleeding.
Tie splints in place.
Immobilize body part.
For arm support – use as a sling.
Assessing Responsiveness
A - Alert V - Verbal Response
P - Pain Response
U - Unresponsive/Unconscious
Check for A-B-Cof Life
Airway - Breathing - Circulation
Primary survey
Assessing Responsiveness
Activate Medical Help
Check for A-B-C of Life
SHOCK is a condition in which the circulatory system fails to deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to the body’s tissues and vital organs. It is a dangerous health related crisis.
Lead to death
Predisposes body infection
Lead to loss of body parts
1. To improve circulation of blood.
2. To ensure an adequate supply of oxygen.
3. To maintain normal body temperature.