Global Health

Cards (22)

  • Globalization
    A worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration. Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers.
  • Global health (Ilona Kicbush 2006)
    Pertains to various health issue, concerns, and trends which go beyond national boundaries and call for global initiativinitiatives for the protection and promotions of people's health across the world
  • Global Health (Beaglehole and Bonita 2010) 

    is a cooperative research and action of international communities to promote health for all.
  • Global Health (Koplan and Associates 2009) 

    is an area for study, research and practice that prioritizes health improvement and achieving impartiality in healthcare
  • Millenium Development Goals
    The United Nations Millennium Development Goals are eight targets that all 191 UN Member States have agreed to achieve by 2015.
  • The united nations millennium declaration, signed in september 2000 commits world leaders to fight discrimination against women and children, disease, hunger, poverty, illiteracy, and environmental degradation.
  • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
    Developing countries particularly in Africa and Asia suffer from extreme poverty and hunger. Poverty and hunger leads to severe malnutrition which leads to lifelong physical and cognitive (learning and reasoning) damage and affects health, well-being and the economy.
  • Achieve Universal Primary education
    Persons, particularly women who are educated, are more likely to seek medical care especially during pregnancy, ensuring proper nutrition for their family, adopting healthy sanitary practices and ensuring immunization of children. As an effect, infants and children have better survival rates, are healthier and better nourished.
  • Promote Gender equality and empower women
    Gender equality means equal representation of men and women. It implies that all gender should have equal value and treatment. Equal gender treatment empowers women and other groups creating opportunities in education, work, finances, and other aspects which improves the economy and lessen effects of financial crises.
  • Reduce child mortality
    Programs and policies which help reduce child mortality like Improving nutritional intake, healthcare facilities and infrastructure, and other fields which improve children's lives. Strengthening local and national health programs and policies is one way to reduce child mortality.
  • Improved Maternal Health
    This is not only about mother's health but also involves the health and wellness of the family. Maternal health also helps eradicate other problems like poverty, gender inequality, decreased workforce, lower birth deaths, and disability of women.
  • Combat HIV/AIDS Malaria and other diseases
    Emerging and re-emerging diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria, influenza and other diseases affect productivity and growth of nations. Some of the effects of disease outbreak are loss of jobs, shortage in professional workers, and creating social crises. Children are the most vulnerable and are exposed to exploitation and abuse undermining their normal growth and development.
  • Ensure Environmental Sustainability
    Investing and supporting sustainable energy like solar, wind and water energy help support jobs, create business opportunities, and save remaining non-renewable energy sources. Environmental sustainability assures peoples to live healthier and enjoy a clean and green environmet.
  • Global Partnership For Development
    The United Nations, World Health Organization, World Bank and governments work together to make sure there is fair trade and that heavily indebted countries obtain relief and funds to combat poverty, malnutrition and funds for education and social projects.
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
    Primary international body responsible for developing leadership in health, setting norms and standards, and providing health support among nations around the world. 
  • Health Issue
    Any of the important statements in health that is in dispute and must be settled
  • Health Trend
    Any general tendency agent either concepts, information, skills, and values agent either
  • Global Health Initiatives
    are programs set in motion by the United Nations through the World Health Organization and in partnership with the World Bank which targets specific health problems including but not limited to emerging and re-emerging diseases, climate change, environmental sanitation, mental health, tobacco regulation, and alcohol use.  
  • Communicable Disease
    a disease transmitted from one person toanotherbydirect or indirect contact 
  • Non communicable Disease
    disease not transmitted through direct or indirectcontact and non- infectious 
  • The United Nations Development Program's QuickWins
    works with different nations and organizations towithstand crises, empower lives and improvethequalityof life for all. 
  • Quick Wins
    are actions that can be immediately used within the community or locale to produce effective results.