Donation is an act of liberality whereby a person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of another, who accepts it.
A donor's tax is a tax levied, assessed, collected and paid upon the transfer by any person, resident, or nonresident, of the property by gift.
Donor's tax is a tax imposed on the exercise of the donor's right during lifetime to transfer property to others in the form of gift. Hence, it is not a property tax.
Purposes of Donor's tax:
To supplement the estate tax
To prevent the avoidance of income taxes.
Elements of Taxable Donation
Capacity of the donor to transfer property
Donative intent (req. only in direct gift)
Acceptance of the gift by the donee (donation is perfected upon this moment)
For the donation of personal property worth 5000 pesos or less, they can be made orally or in writing. If it exceeds 5000, then it must be in writing.
Donation of a real property, regardless of amount, shall be in a public document.
In public document means the donation should be made in writing through a duly executed notarized deed of donation signed by the donor, the done/s, and witnesses.
First donation of the year:
Gross Gift xx
Less: Exemptions/Deductions (xx)
Less: Tax Exempt Gift (Train Law) (250,000)
Net Taxable Gift xx
x Donor's Tax Rate 6%
Donor's Tax xx
Less: Tax Credit (if applicable) (xx)
Donor's Tax Payable xx
Subsequent Donation(s) Within the Year
Gross Gift, Current xx
Less: Exemptions/Deductions, Current xx
Add: Prior Gifts (within the year) xx
Total xx
Less: Tax Exempt Gift xx
Net Taxable Gifts (cumulative) xx
x Donor's Tax Rate 6%
Donor's Tax Due (cumulative) xx
Tax Paid - Prior Gifts (w/in the year) xx
Tax Credit (If applicable) xx
Donor's Tax Payable xx
The computation of the donor's tax is on a cumulative basis over a period of one calendar year (regardless of the relationship of the donor and donee).
Any contribution in cash or in kind to any candidate, political party of coalition of parties for campaign purposes shall be governed by the Election Code, as amended.
Transfers subject to donor's tax:
Direct gift
Gift through creation of a trust
Condonation of debt
Repudiation of inheritance if:
specifically and categorically done in favor of identified heirs; and
to the exclusion or disadvantage of other co-heirs
Renunciation by the surviving spouse of his/her share in the conjugal partnership or absolute community after the dissolution of the marriage in favor of the heirs of the deceased spouse or any other person/s
Transfer for insufficient consideration (xpn. RP classified as Capital asset located in the PH)
Gift from common property - the gift is taxable one-half to each donor spouse
Donation b/w husband and wife during the marriage
G.R. Nottaxable, as it is declared void by law
XPN. Moderate gifts b/w the spouses are valid
Net gift shall mean the neteconomic benefit from the transfer that accrues to the donee.
Encumbrances on the property donated assumed by the donee
Diminution of gift provided by the donor
Gifts to the government - gifts for the use of National Government or any agencies which is not conducted for profit
Gifts to educational, charitable, religious corporation etc. (<30% for admin purp)
Exemption under Special/Other laws
Ramon Magsaysay Foundation
Integ Bar of the PH
Development Academy of the Philippines
National Museum
National Library
Archives of National Historical Insti
Museum of PH Costumes
Intramuros Admin
Donor's tax credit pertains to donor's tax paid abroad which is allowed as deduction from the donor's tax due computed under the Tax Code
Amount deductible
Actual donor's tax paid abroad
Whichever is lower
Only one FC is involved:
(Net Gift, foreign/World net gift) x PH Donor's Tax
2 or more countries:
(Net gift all fc/World net gift) x PH Donor's Tax
The donor's tax shall be filed within 30 days after the date the gift is made or completed and the tax due thereon shall be paid at the same time that the return is filed. Extensionperiod is not applicable.