The Earth System consists of 4 components: atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere
Matter cycles between these system components, with the movement of matter described as the rate of flow or flux of materials moving into and out of reservoirs
An example of matter movement is the circulation of water into the oceans from various sources, balanced by evaporation to the atmosphere
During the last ice age, frozen precipitation trapped in ice sheets caused a significant drop in sea level
The rate of melting glaciers on continents has intensified, leading to a rise in global sea levels
The Earth system is characterized by the flow of matter through reservoirs in each major sphere
Carbon dioxide naturally flows into the atmosphere from the decomposition of organic materials and forest fires
The Keeling Curve records the steady increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Carbon dioxide and other gases are exchanged between the atmosphere and the ocean
Carbon becomes part of a carbonate ion that combines with calcium to form calcite in the biosphere
Limestone forms when organisms die, are buried, and compacted into rock layers on the seafloor
The geosphere includes continents, ocean floors, rocks, minerals in Earth's crust, mantle, and core
Most rocks remain in the geosphere for millions of years, making it Earth's largest carbon reservoir
The biosphere consists of all living organisms on the planet, with more carbon stored in the geosphere's fossil fuel reserves than in the biosphere
Plants take in carbon dioxide through photosynthesis to form carbohydrates for growth
Soils contain decaying plant material and living biomass of microbes that help break down dead plant matter
Changes in one Earth system component lead to changes in other parts of the system due to feedback loops
Human activities have significantly increased the flow of carbon among Earth system components
To halt the increase of carbon in the atmosphere, human production of carbon needs to be reduced or carbon uptake in other Earth system components increased
Feedback loops are mechanisms formed by the links between living and nonliving things that build resilience in ecosystems
Positive feedback amplifies a particular effect or change from previous conditions, essential in ecosystem buildup
Negative feedback diminishes or counteracts changes in an ecosystem to maintain a stable balance
An example of positive feedback is the enrichment of soil with humus from dead plants, promoting plant growth
Negative feedback in predator-prey relationships maintains a long-term equilibrium in ecosystems
Feedback processes can be counterintuitive compared to linear cause and effect scenarios
Feedback loops are the product of links in the loop, with the addition, removal, or weakening of links affecting the feedback force
Natural communities consist of networks of interactions, with feedback loops often occurring through longer chains
Feedback loops in ecological systems create regular patterns, similar to multiple instruments coming together to create a complex but harmonious piece of music
Negative feedbacks in ecological systems keep positive feedbacks in check, similar to drums maintaining a rhythm
Different habitats like ocean environments, desert ecosystems, and tropical rainforests have unique characteristics in terms of feedback loops and interactions
Earth's Climate System components include the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere
The atmosphere on Earth is dominated by nitrogen and oxygen, with important greenhouse gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone
Aerosols in the atmosphere play a role in reflecting or absorbing solar radiation, affecting Earth's climate
Water reservoirs on Earth include oceans, ice, and water droplets or ice crystals in clouds in the atmosphere
Life is a crucial component of the climate system, exchanging carbon and oxygen with the atmosphere and cycling nutrients like nitrate and phosphate
Vegetation on land can either absorb or reflect incoming solar radiation
Dark-colored forests absorb incoming solar radiation
Grasslands and dry desert ecosystems, as well as oceans, reflect incoming solar radiation
Marine organisms build tiny shells that chemically buffer the ocean’s pH to prevent abrupt changes
Oceans are becoming more acidic, surpassing their buffering capacity