RT 7 notes

Cards (60)

  • Radiobiology is the study of the effects of ionizing radiation on biologic tissue
  • ALARA stands for As Low As Reasonably Achievable
  • The effect of x-rays on humans is due to interactions at the atomic level, resulting in ionization or excitation of orbital electrons and energy deposition in tissue
  • Ionization involves the removal of an orbital electron from an atom, leading to breakage of molecules, changes in chemical properties, or relocation of atoms within molecules
  • Excitation is the addition of energy to a system by raising the energy of electrons with x-rays
  • Abnormal molecules from radiation may lead to improper function or cell death, but radiation damage can be repaired at every stage
  • The human body consists of five principal types of molecules: proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and water
  • Proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates are organic molecules supporting life and containing carbon
  • Nucleic acids, like DNA, are critical and radiosensitive target molecules concentrated in the cell nucleus
  • Water, the most abundant molecule in the body, plays a role in delivering energy to target molecules, contributing to radiation effects
  • Radiation interactions at the atomic level can lead to molecular changes affecting cell growth and metabolism
  • The human cell consists of the nucleus and cytoplasm, with DNA as the principal molecular component of the nucleus
  • Cell functions include being the basic unit of life, protection and support, movement, communication, metabolism, energy release, and inheritance
  • The human body has somatic cells and genetic cells, with somatic cells undergoing mitosis and genetic cells undergoing meiosis
  • Mitosis involves four subphases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, with interphase being the period of growth between divisions
  • Meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes in genetic cells to half for marriage compatibility, ensuring daughter cells have the correct chromosome count
  • Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau states that stem cells are radiosensitive, younger tissues are radiosensitive, and tissues with high metabolic activity are radiosensitive
  • Linear Energy Transfer (LET) measures the rate of energy transfer from ionizing radiation to soft tissue, affecting radiation quality and the radiation weighting factor
  • Relative Biologic Effectiveness (RBE) quantitatively describes the ability of radiation to produce biological damage, with higher LET radiation having a higher RBE
  • Protraction and Fractionation of radiation doses affect the biologic response, with protracted doses delivered continuously at a lower rate and fractionated doses delivered in equal portions at regular intervals
  • Biologic factors affecting radiosensitivity include the oxygen effect, where tissue is more sensitive to radiation in oxygenated conditions, and age, with humans being most radiosensitive in early development
  • Factors affecting chromosome damage:
    • Total Dose:
    • The number of doses is directly proportional to the dose.
    • Increasing the dose increases the number of breaks in the chromosome.
    • Dose Rate:
    • Refers to the rate at which radiation is delivered.
    • Low-dose rates result in a decreased number of complex aberrations, while high-dose rates increase the frequency of complex aberrations.
    • LET (Linear Energy Transfer):
    • Low LET radiations produce more simple aberrations than complex ones.
    • High LET radiation has a greater probability of producing more complex aberrations
  • There are two types of ionizing radiation interaction with the human body:
    1. Indirect Action:
    • Effects produced by free radicals created by the interaction of radiation with water molecules.
    • Radiolysis of water results in the production of four free radicals: Hydroxyl Radical, Hydrogen Radical, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Hydroperoxyl Radical.
    2. Direct Action:
    • Biologic damage occurs as a result of ionization of atoms on essential molecules such as macromolecules, DNA, and chromosomes.
    • Irradiation of macromolecules can lead to main-chain scission, cross-linking, and point lesions
  • DNA Irradiation can result in:
    • Single strand break
    • Double Strand Break
    • Change or Loss of base
    • Breakage of hydrogen bonds
    • Main-Chain Scission
  • Chromosomal Irradiation can lead to different types of chromosomal mutations:
    1. Single Break Effect:
    • Restitution
    • Acentric Chromosome
    • Dicentric Chromosome
    • Translocation
    2. Double Break Effect:
    • Deletion
    • Inversion
    3. Chromosomal Stickiness:
    • Occurs in cells already in division
    • Results in clumping of chromosomes together
    • Believed to be caused by alterations in the chemical composition of the protein component of the chromosome by irradiation
  • Cell Irradiation can have five possible effects:
    • Instant death
    • Reproductive death
    • Apoptosis
    • Mitotic or genetic death
    • Mitotic delay
  • Acute Radiation Lethality:
    • Measured quantitatively by LD 50/30
    • LD 50/30: dose of radiation to the whole body resulting in death within 30 days for 50% of subjects
    • LD 50/30 for humans is approximately 300 rad (3 Gy)
    • LD 10/30 and LD 90/30 indicate doses resulting in 10% or 90% lethality within 30 days respectively
    • LD 50/60: lethal dose to 50% when survival time is extended for 60 days
    • Mean Survival Time decreases as whole-body radiation increases
  • Local Tissue Damage:
    • When only part of the body is irradiated, a higher dose is needed to produce a response
    • Effects on skin:
    • Skin cells are replaced at a rate of approximately 2% per day
    • Basal cells are the stem cells of the epidermis
    • Skin effects follow a nonlinear, threshold dose-response
    • Erythema is the first observed response to radiation exposure
    • SED50 = 500 rad (5 Gy) required to affect 50% of the population
  • Effects on Gonads:
    • Ovaries:
    • Irradiation reduces size through germ cell death
    • Sensitivity to radiation increases with maturity
    • Different doses lead to delays in menstruation, temporary infertility, or permanent sterility
    • Testes:
    • Irradiation reduces sperm count, leading to temporary infertility or permanent sterility
    • Doses affect male procreation for a specific period
  • Hematologic Effects:
    • Hemopoietic cell survival decreases with increasing dose
    • Granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia occur, with recovery times of approximately 2 months
    • Erythrocytes are less sensitive and recover over 6 months to a year
  • Cytogenetic Effects:
    • Nearly every type of chromosome aberration can be radiation-induced
    • Lymphocytes are often used for cytogenetic analysis
    • Single- and multi-hit chromosome aberrations occur, leading to visible derangements
  • Stochastic Effects of Radiation:
    • Response not observed immediately, but over months or years
    • Incidence of radiation response increases with dose
    • Result of low doses over a long period
    • Can lead to radiation-induced malignancy and genetic effects
  • Radiation and Pregnancy:
    • Damage to the embryo depends on the stage of gestation
    • Three stages: Pre-implantation, Major Organogenesis, Fetal Stage
    • Specific abnormalities occur at different doses during each stage
  • Acute Radiation Lethality

    Measured quantitatively by LD 50/30
  • LD 50/30

    The dose of radiation to the whole body that will result in death within 30 days to 50% of the subjects being irradiated
  • The LD 50/30 for humans is estimated to be approximately 300 rad (3 Gy)
  • LD 10/30 and LD 90/30

    Indicates a dose resulting in 10% lethality or 90 % lethality within 30 days respectively
  • LD 50/60

    The lethal dose to 50% when the observe survival time is extended for 60 days
  • Mean Survival Time

    As the whole body radiation increases, the average time between exposure and death decreases
  • Local Tissue Damage

    • When only part of the body is irradiated, in contrast to whole-body irradiation, a higher dose is required to produce a response