Managing a mining operation starts with plans for waste disposal and end with restoration
Stable waste piles placed on top of waterways can pollute it with toxic chemicals
Waste piles can become unstable and collapse which causes loss of life and land & water pollution
Safe storage and disposal of mineral waste is important for a mining licence
need to have a detailed plan to show how mine waste is stored to prevent collapse
need to show that the site of the mine waste prevents water pollution
plan needs to show how waste is monitored to detect movement or water pollution
Mine waste can be reshaped to blend in with surrounding land forms - often used to manage waste of coal mining
waste is covered by a layer of soil which can be enriched by fertiliser
trees are then planted which helps other plants and animals to return and colonise the area - creates habitats fairly quickly even if trees grow slowly
as time passes, the soil improves by the addition of organic matter from plant and animal wastes
Waste can be removed from a site to a treatment plant
Bioremeditation - a process where living things are used to to remove toxic chemicals from a natural site
used to treat contaminated waste
helps allow plant growth in toxic mineral waste
Many organisms are able to break down toxic substances into less hazardous substances - happens slowly in natural environments
microorganisms e.g. bacteria found in soils can absorb pollutants and process them via metabolic pathways into less harmful subsatnces
microorganisms can remove and process pollutants at a fast rate if the environment produces oxygen + nitrogen
bacteria that takes in pollutants can gain energy or nutrients from it
Plants are also naturally able to bioaccumulate toxic metals
can be sped up with the addition of fertilisers
plants are grown on contaminated waste and it absorbs toxic metals, the parts of the plant above ground are then removed so waste left in the ground becomes less toxic
After treatment, land is turned into a nature reserve - the ground may be less toxic but still not able to be used for farming or building houses
trees and herb species are introduced to the and as the plants grow, they create habitats for many animals
become valuable green spacces for human recreation and maintaining biodiversity
Mineral extraction creates large holes in the landscape
if the rock lining doesn’t allow water to pass and is non-toxic, it can be used to create a reservoir that could be used for irrigation and become potable water
can be filled with household waste until they are full and the waste is then covered with soila and planted with trees aka landfill
Scientists believe that the best method is to return the site to as close as possible to the native ecosystem before the mining began
done through reclamation to reduce landslides and erosion and then allowing slow change to achieve complete ecosystem recovery