apush unit 7 events

Cards (22)

  • muckraking
    Journalism exposing economic, social, and political evils, so named by Theodore Roosevelt for its "raking the muck" of American society
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire
    a tragic industrial disaster that occurred on March 25, 1911, in New York City. It resulted in the deaths of 146 garment workers, mostly young immigrant women, due to inadequate safety measures and locked exit doors in the factory building. This event led to significant reforms in labor laws and workplace safety regulations in the United States.
  • Bunau-Varilla Treaty
    treaty granting the U.S. full sovereignty in perpetuity over a ten-mile-wide canal zone; guaranteed Panama's independence and agreed to pay it $10 million initially and an additional $250,000 a year for the canal zone
  • Roosevelt Corollary
    President Theodore Roosevelt's policy asserting U.S. authority to intervene in the affairs of Latin American nations; an expansion of the Monroe Doctrine
  • Monroe Doctrine
    (1823) Monroe declared to Congress that Americans "are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power"
  • Open Door Policy
    American policy of seeking equal trade and investment opportunities in foreign nations or regions
  • Root-Takahira Agreement

    affirmed the "existing status quo" in Asia, mutual respect for territorial possessions in the Pacific, and the Open Door trade policy in China
  • Militarism
    the tendency to see military might as the most important and best tool for the expansion of a nation's power and prestige
  • Imperialism
    the policy and practice of exploiting nations and peoples for the benefit of an imperial power either directly through military occupation and colonial rule or indirectly through economic domination of resources and markets
  • Sussex Pledge
    German pledge to warn neutral ships and passenger vessels before attacking
  • Zimmerman Note
    (1917) proposed that an alliance be made Germany and Mexico if the U.S. entered WWI; Zimmermann suggested that Mexico take up arms against the U.S. and receive in return the "lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona"
  • Selective Service Act
    the law establishing the military draft for WWI
  • War Industries Board (WIB)

    the federal agency that reorganized industry for maximum efficiency and productivity during WWI
  • Liberty Bonds
    Interest-bearing certificates sold by the U.S. government to finance the American WWI effort
  • Espionage Act
    law whose vague prohibition against obstructing the nation's war effort was used to crush dissent and criticism during WWI
  • Sedition Act
    broad law restricting criticism of America's involvement in WWI or its government, flag, military, taxes, or officials
  • Great Migration
    the mass movement of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North, spurred especially by new job opportunities during WWI and the 1920s
  • Fourteen Points
    a series of proposals in which U.S. president Woodrow Wilson outlined a plan for achieving a lasting peace after WWI
  • League of Nations
    International organization created by the Versailles Treaty after WWI to ensure world stability
  • Versailles Treaty
    the treaty ending WWI and creating the League of Nations
  • Red Scare
    Post-WWI public hysteria over Bolshevik influence in the U.S. directed against labor activism, radical dissenters, and some ethnic groups
  • Election of 1920
    Warren G. Harding (R) vs James Cox (D); issues were WWI, the post-war economy, and the League of Nations; Harding preached "Normalcy"