
Cards (20)

  • UK, Ireland and Sweden are the only 3 countries in the EU to not restrict migration from the A8 countries.
  • Polish workers earn 4-5x more pay in the UK
  • unemployment rate was 18% in 2005
    • youth unemployment rate 40%
    • highest unemployment rate in 27 nations of OECD
  • UK’s unemployment is only 5.1%
    • only requires semi skilled labour
    • significant skill shortage
  • large number of job vacancies in the uk
    • 2007 to 2008 increased by 600,000
  • GDP in Poland is $12,000
    GDP in UK £30,000
  • £2.54 billion contributed to UK economy my Eastern European immigrants
  • 80% of new migrants are working people
    • offsets uk’s ageing population
    • national insurance contribution would have to be much higher if immigration was lowe
  • Bank of England stated migration had helped to prevent rapid rise is oil prices
    • interest rates remained low
  • New immigrants are stereotypically hard working and enthusiastic
  • some polish migrants expoited by employers
    • already paid minimum wage
    • deductions for accommodation and travel are made
  • large scale migration into areas that haven’t yet experiended migration
    • creates tensions and misunderstandings
    • anti polish graffiti and abuse
  • pressure on resources due to the increase in population
  • economy impacted as the money made is often sent home and not put back into the UK economy to regenerated
  • money being sent back home improves the polish economy
  • decreases pressure on resources and jobs
    • as the unemployment rate decreases, less people are having to live off of benefits
  • migrants return home with new skills
    • can be applies to developing Poland
  • unemployment rate increases if all workers move away
  • smaller work force causes the GDP to decrease as the country doesn’t produce much
  • demographic imbalance as most people left are women.