Skull: Protects the brain, rigid box made up of plates of bone firmly joined together
Rib cage: Flexible case of ribs, each rib curves round the side of the chest from the backbone and is joined in front to a plate of bone called sternum. Ribs are connected to one another by muscles. Two lowermost pairs of ribs are called 'floating ribs'
Backbone: Also called the spine or vertebral column, a chain of small bones called vertebrae. Protects the spinal cord, supports the skull, ribs, and limbs
Limbs: Made up of long bones with joints that allow movement, mainly for support
Arms: Forearms made up of two bones, hands have several small bones. Shoulder bones have a pair of collar bones in front and a pair of shoulder blades
Legs: Lower leg made up of two bones, feet have several small bones. Hip bones or girdles bear the weight of the body and are attached to thigh bones