To select data in an sql data base what 3 commands are needed and what they do
SELECT selects columns that will be ouputted if the where is met
FROMDatabase being acessed
WHERE conditionalstatement
If you want to have multiple conditions need to be met what must follow the WHERE command?
YOu can include a select data inside a conditional, how is this done? (use population >) and select name for first pop for seconf and all from world database
FROM world
WHERE population >
FROM world
WHERE name='Algeria')
If you want to have multiple conditions and that if any condition is met the corresponding data is selected?
LIKE is used in a WHERE clause to search for a pattern
LIKE searches for a pattern, what characters have different values than usual in a pattern being specified, and what do they represent?
percent any number of characters as low as 0
Underscore one character
Patterns in LIKE clauses are surrounded with?
quotation marks
To insert data into a database what is the syntax:
INSERT INTO <database name>
(<column1 value> <column2 value> <column3 value>)
VALUES (<value1>,<value2>, <value3>)
TWO rules of the INSERT INTO clause?
Unless you have a fullrecord you must specify columnnames
Any string values must be specified with quotation marks
You can select data in a table without specifing the table by using the following formatting
SELECT <table name>.<column name>
Joining tables syntax?
JOIN <table1 name>
ON <table2 name>.<table2 value> = <table1 name>.<table2 value>
WHERE <condition>
DROP TABLE <table name> does what?
DEletes the entire table and all stored data
Dates are there own type within SQL and therefore can be compared with logical operators
ORDER BY sorts results of the preceding clause in either ascending or descending order, ASC and DESC.You must specify the column it uses to assess an order
How would you create a table (books) with columns (book,author,release date) in sql?
CREATE TABLE books (book TEXT, author TEXT, release date TEXT);
After each full command/statement in SQL you must have a semi-colon so the next section is recognized as seperate
SUM can be used to sum data, often used in select statements
(INNER) JOIN: Returns records that have matching values in both tables
LEFT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table
RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table
FULL (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records when there is a match in either left or right table
HOw to add column to table:ALTER TABLE table_nameADD [COLUMN] column_definition;
SUBSTR extracts a substring
SUBSTR syntax
SUBSTR (target, startindex, extractnumbers)
INSTR returns the position of the first occurrence of a string in another string