Cards (24)

  • To select data in an sql data base what 3 commands are needed and what they do
    SELECT selects columns that will be ouputted if the where is met
    FROM Database being acessed
    WHERE conditional statement
  • If you want to have multiple conditions need to be met what must follow the WHERE command?
  • YOu can include a select data inside a conditional, how is this done? (use population >) and select name for first pop for seconf and all from world database
    SELECT name
    FROM world
    WHERE population >
    (SELECT pop
    FROM world
    WHERE name='Algeria')
  • If you want to have multiple conditions and that if any condition is met the corresponding data is selected?
  • LIKE is used in a WHERE clause to search for a pattern
  • LIKE searches for a pattern, what characters have different values than usual in a pattern being specified, and what do they represent?
    percent any number of characters as low as 0
    Underscore one character
  • Patterns in LIKE clauses are surrounded with?
    quotation marks
  • To insert data into a database what is the syntax:
    INSERT INTO <database name>
    (<column1 value> <column2 value> <column3 value>)
    VALUES (<value1>,<value2>, <value3>)
  • TWO rules of the INSERT INTO clause?
    Unless you have a full record you must specify column names
    Any string values must be specified with quotation marks
  • To delete data what is the syntax?
    DELETE FROM <database name>
    WHERE <field name> = <condition>
  • Updating data syntax?
    UPDATE <database name>
    SET <field name1> = <value1>, <field name2> = <value2>, <...> = <...>
    WHERE <field name> = <condition>
  • You can select data in a table without specifing the table by using the following formatting
    SELECT <table name>.<column name>
  • Joining tables syntax?
    JOIN <table1 name>
    ON <table2 name>.<table2 value> = <table1 name>.<table2 value>
    WHERE <condition>
  • DROP TABLE <table name> does what?
    DEletes the entire table and all stored data
  • Dates are there own type within SQL and therefore can be compared with logical operators
  • ORDER BY sorts results of the preceding clause in either ascending or descending order, ASC and DESC.You must specify the column it uses to assess an order
  • How would you create a table (books) with columns (book,author,release date) in sql?
    CREATE TABLE books (book TEXT, author TEXT, release date TEXT);
  • After each full command/statement in SQL you must have a semi-colon so the next section is recognized as seperate
  • SUM can be used to sum data, often used in select statements
    • (INNER) JOIN: Returns records that have matching values in both tables
    • LEFT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table
    • RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table
    • FULL (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records when there is a match in either left or right table
  • HOw to add column to table:ALTER TABLE table_nameADD [COLUMN] column_definition;
  • SUBSTR extracts a substring
  • SUBSTR syntax
    SUBSTR (target, startindex, extractnumbers)
  • INSTR returns the position of the first occurrence of a string in another string