60 chicago High School teachers judge based on how closely pupils fit the image of 'ideal pupil'- usually m/c
Howard Becker
W/C Aspen primaries see behaviour as more important in ideal pupil, but M/C Rowan schools see personality and ability as important
Schools reproduce w/c underachievement by normalising it
Dunne and Gazeley
American kindergartens- tigers and clowns/cardinals
Spurters chosen at random. Studied a year later and found to have made progress due to self-fulfilling prophecy
Rosenthal and Jacobson
Teachers use stereotypical notions of 'ability' to stream pupils, and this links to league table competition- a-c economy.
Gillborn and Youdel
Educational triage
Gillborn and Youdel
Subcultures develop by whose ideas of differentiation and polarisation?
A comprehensive school got rid of banding, so no basis for polarisation but differentiation still occured
Ball and banding
Ingratation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellion
Pupils move between responses
Pupil class identities and the school
Symbolic capital and symbolic violence
W/C boys who got in to a grammar school found conflict between conforming to their school's m/c habitus, and their neighbourhoods w/c habitus
21 w/c girls studying for A-Levels- reluctant to apply for elite unis, and attached to local area
Where parents use evaluative phrases in speech, cognitive performance improves.
More educated parents use more evaluative phrases and praise more
Language used in lower classes is deficient
Bereiter and Engelmann
Restricted and elaborated codes
Basil Bernstein
w/c parents place less value on education so are less ambitious for their children
W/c parents are often less educated and so can't help their kids as much
Fatalism, collectivism, immediate gratification and present time orientation as barriers to w/c educational success
Cultural deprivation theory is victim blaming
Problem is not children's language, but school's attitude towards it
Troyna and Williams
Poorer children have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals, and poor nutrition leads to poorer health and energy
Among ten year olds, the lower the social class, the more hyperactive
Lower income families engage more in externalising behaviour
Blanden and Machin
Costs of free schooling
Material deprivation has the biggest effect
Mortimore and Whitty
People who read complex literature, go to the theatre and watch documentaries etc have better vocabularies and cultural knowledge
Selection by mortgage
Leech and Campos
Language spoken by low-income black families is inadequate for educational success
Bereiter and Engelmann
Because many black families are headed by a lone mother, the children are deprived of adequate care, because she has to struggle financially in the absence of a male breadwinner, and there are a lack of male role models for the boys
High rate of lone parenthood and lack of role models leads to underachievement amongst some minorities
Low achievement levels of some minorities as a result of failure to embrace mainstream British culture
Heritage is an issue for black Caribbean families, whose ancestry was linked to slavery- lost cultural heritage then
Fathers, gangs and culture- not lack of male role model, but lack of fatherly nurturing and tough love, so boys cant overcome issues of teenagehood and turn to gangs etc.
Variety of boys responses- rebels, conformists, retreatists and innovators.
Racism is present but not centred or powerful enough to create underachievement
Sewell (Ethnicity)
Adults have authority in Asian families, mimicking hierarchy of school
Ethic minorities more likely to see education as a way up in society
Ethnic minority pupils more likely to aspire to go to uni than white british
Cultural deprivation theory ignores positive effects of ethnicity on achievement. E.G. black caribbean family provides girls with good role model