Education sociologists

Cards (100)

  • 60 chicago High School teachers judge based on how closely pupils fit the image of 'ideal pupil'- usually m/c
    Howard Becker
  • W/C Aspen primaries see behaviour as more important in ideal pupil, but M/C Rowan schools see personality and ability as important
  • Schools reproduce w/c underachievement by normalising it
    Dunne and Gazeley
  • American kindergartens- tigers and clowns/cardinals
  • Spurters chosen at random. Studied a year later and found to have made progress due to self-fulfilling prophecy
    Rosenthal and Jacobson
  • Teachers use stereotypical notions of 'ability' to stream pupils, and this links to league table competition- a-c economy.
    Gillborn and Youdel
  • Educational triage

    Gillborn and Youdel
  • Subcultures develop by whose ideas of differentiation and polarisation?
  • A comprehensive school got rid of banding, so no basis for polarisation but differentiation still occured
    Ball and banding
  • Ingratation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellion
  • Pupils move between responses
  • Pupil class identities and the school
  • Symbolic capital and symbolic violence
  • W/C boys who got in to a grammar school found conflict between conforming to their school's m/c habitus, and their neighbourhoods w/c habitus
  • 21 w/c girls studying for A-Levels- reluctant to apply for elite unis, and attached to local area

  • Where parents use evaluative phrases in speech, cognitive performance improves.
  • More educated parents use more evaluative phrases and praise more

  • Language used in lower classes is deficient
    Bereiter and Engelmann
  • Restricted and elaborated codes
    Basil Bernstein
  • w/c parents place less value on education so are less ambitious for their children
  • W/c parents are often less educated and so can't help their kids as much
  • Fatalism, collectivism, immediate gratification and present time orientation as barriers to w/c educational success
  • Cultural deprivation theory is victim blaming
  • Problem is not children's language, but school's attitude towards it
    Troyna and Williams
  • Poorer children have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals, and poor nutrition leads to poorer health and energy
  • Among ten year olds, the lower the social class, the more hyperactive
  • Lower income families engage more in externalising behaviour
    Blanden and Machin
  • Costs of free schooling
  • Material deprivation has the biggest effect
    Mortimore and Whitty
  • People who read complex literature, go to the theatre and watch documentaries etc have better vocabularies and cultural knowledge
  • Selection by mortgage
    Leech and Campos
  • Language spoken by low-income black families is inadequate for educational success
    Bereiter and Engelmann
  • Because many black families are headed by a lone mother, the children are deprived of adequate care, because she has to struggle financially in the absence of a male breadwinner, and there are a lack of male role models for the boys
  • High rate of lone parenthood and lack of role models leads to underachievement amongst some minorities
  • Low achievement levels of some minorities as a result of failure to embrace mainstream British culture
  • Heritage is an issue for black Caribbean families, whose ancestry was linked to slavery- lost cultural heritage then
  • Fathers, gangs and culture- not lack of male role model, but lack of fatherly nurturing and tough love, so boys cant overcome issues of teenagehood and turn to gangs etc.
    Variety of boys responses- rebels, conformists, retreatists and innovators.
    Racism is present but not centred or powerful enough to create underachievement
    Sewell (Ethnicity)
  • Adults have authority in Asian families, mimicking hierarchy of school
    Ethic minorities more likely to see education as a way up in society
  • Ethnic minority pupils more likely to aspire to go to uni than white british
  • Cultural deprivation theory ignores positive effects of ethnicity on achievement. E.G. black caribbean family provides girls with good role model
