Cards (9)

  • Persona - side of self that we show the world. Social roles that we play. Drawback: alientation from true self.
  • Shadow - darkness/repression (id) the animal side of us. First test of courage: recognized shadow.
  • Anima - we are psychologically bisexual. Feminine side of male from experience with women and generalized image of them
  • Animus - masculine side of female. Symbolism of thinking and reasoning.
  • 2nd test of courage is be acquainted with your anima and animus.
  • Great mother - fertility and nourishment, power and destruction (neglectful) Producing an sustaining life. 3 dreams: tree; life home; cooking utensils
  • Wise old man - wisdom and meaning. Honesty, truth, good will. If you seek thr truth, you are guided by the wise old man. Grandfather, teacher, philospher, sage
  • Hero - overcomes evil, destruction, and death. Symbol of courage, strength, and resilience.
  • The self - archetype of archetypes. innate tendency go move toward growth. Most coprehensive, depicted by a mandala, unity, balance, wholeness. The perfect self.