Cardiac cycle

Cards (9)

  • Cardiac cycle:
    Atrial systole
    • Atria contract
    • decrease volume = increase pressure
    • atrioventricular valves are open
    • Pressure of the atria is higher than pressure in the ventricles so blood flows from the atria to the ventricles through the atrioventricular valves down a pressure gradient
    • Semilunar valves are closed
  • Cardiac cycle:
    Ventricular systole
    • Ventricles contract (atria relax)
    • decreasing volume = increasing pressure
    • Atrioventricular valves close to prevent backflow from the ventricles to the atria = "lub"
    • Semilunar valves open to allow blood to flow from the ventricles (high pressure) to the arteries (low pressure) down a pressure gradient
  • Cardiac cycle:
    • atria are relaxed, ventricles relax
    • Semilunar valves close to prevent backflow from the arteries (high pressure) to the ventricles (low pressure) = "dub"
    • Atrioventricular valves open slightly due to blood flowing from the veins into the atria and trickling past the valves
  • Which valves are opening and closing at which points and why?
    A - Atrioventricular close because Ventricular pressure > atrial pressure
    B - Semilunar open because Ventricular pressure > aortic pressure
    C - Semilunar close because aortic pressure > Ventricular pressure
    D - Atrioventricular open because atrial pressure > ventricular pressure
  • Why does the atrial and ventricular pressure drop to OkPa?
    The chambers are empty of blood
  • Why does the aortic pressure remain high?
    Semilunar valves close so the blood vessels always contain blood
  • What causes the the bump is aortic pressure?
    It is the pulse - elastic recoil of elastic tissue when a surge of blood passes through
  • Why is the pressure created by the ventricle higher than the pressure created by the atrium?
    The wall of the ventricle is made of thicker tissue
  • Atrial systole: atria=contracted ventricles=relaxed SL=closed AV=open
    Ventricular systole: atria=relaxed ventricles=contracted SL=open AV=close
    Diastole: atria=relaxed ventricles=relaxed SL=close AV=open slightly