5.2.2 variations in lived experiences

Cards (4)

  • What is community engagement?
    • People, who live in areas requiring regeneration, know they live in deprived, run-down areas but may not be able, or want, to do anything about it 
  • How can variations in community engagement be measured?
    • Local and national election turnout
    • The number of community activities 
    • The number of supported local community groups
    • If an area is more deprived, it is likely to have a weaker sense of community and less engagement
  • Why are community groups a thing?
    • Voluntary committees managing local allotments, open spaces and nature reserves, village shops 
    • Powerful and vocal 'NIMBY' (not in my backyard) groups protesting over planned developments, such as new housing, fracking and wind farms 
    • Local charities fundraising to help vulnerable people in the local community (Meals on Wheels, transport to hospitals and friendship groups)
    • Residents of an estate may form a group due to growing inequalities or social issues e.g. to reduce antisocial behaviour 
  • What are factors affecting engagement?
    • Globalisation impacts on young people due to the wider cultural influences they experience (social media, music, food, fashion)
    • Some people (e.g. young people, ethnic minority groups, and the poor) can feel that a place does not represent them, leading to a sense of exclusion and marginalisation 
    • This can result in the clustering of groups e.g.
    • High-income, elite professionals cluster together
    • Low-income social groups, dominated by low-skilled services jobs, cluster together