Reading and Writing

Cards (62)

  • Brainstorming process of wiriting down specific topics gathered from
    diffirent sources; involves documenting and coming
    up with list of topic, generating countless ideas on
    a general topic
  • Vaughn & Linan-Thompson (2004)
    -"Reading comprehension is the active process of constructing meaning from text."
  • Lapp and Flood (1978)
    • Reading is Defined according to two types
  • First Reading/Decoding Process - the breaking down of written codes
  • Second Reading/Comprehension Process - understanding the whole text
  • Reading
    • a process of involvig the readers into an interaction with the text and enables them to use the reading strategies in getting the meaning of the printed text
  • Text - generally considered as written material, especially lobger pieces of writing in a book, a letter or a newspaper. A group of ideas put together to make a point or one central idea.
  • Text
    • Actual wording
    • printed or written matter
    • original words of something
  • Discourse - text distinct features and purpose that is formal and often lengthy discussion of a topic where concepts and insights are arranged in an organized and logical manner
  • Discourse
    • convey meanings, propel actions and provoke a specific response that is longer than a sentence.
    • formal, orderly, and usually extended expression ofthought on the subject; connected speech or writing. a linguistic want (conversation or story)
  • Example of Discourse
    • Journal dairy
    • News articles
    • anecdotes
    • procedures
    • critiques
    • opinion piece
    • research articles
  • Purpose of discourse
    • to inform
    • to persuade
    • to entertain
  • Text is made up of sentences having the property of
    grammatical cohesion. (Structure)
    • written from of communication information, which is a non-interactive nature.
    • Agent (pronouns/ the one performing the action) is not crucial
    • press reports sheet signs, documents
  • Discourse is made up of utterances having the property of coherence. (idea level)
    • it a spoken wratten, visual or andial form, communicating info that is interactive in nature
    • Agent is crucial the social purpose and the medium utilized are analyzed
    • dialogues, conversations, interactions in audio-visual programmes
  • Text as Connected Discourse all ideas in text must be related in the sense that
    they would express only one main idea, or that the
    text must have unity by combining all ideas to
    Emphasize Central idea
  • Brainstorming List - composed of major points with subdetails for each. Sub- list may be short explanation or excample of major point
  • Graphic Organizer
    • valuable tooli coming up with a structured representation of the specfic topic needed for your purpose
    • enables to organize the materials logically and to see relationships between ideas
    • helps get thoughts visually aad orderly
    • effective use of organizers helps prevent the idea in persualive manner, resulting clear and coherent text
  • Venn Diagram
    • used to compare ard comtrast ideas and events that uses two overlapping circles to show similarities and different attributes
  • Network Tree
    • used to represent hierarchy classification, and branching to show relationships scientific categories, family trees, and even lineages
  • Spider Map/Semantic Map
    • to Investigate and enumerate various aspects of a central ideas, which could be a concept, topic, or theme.
  • Timeline
    • used to show how events occured chronologically through a long bar labeled with date and specific events, can be linear or comparative timeline
  • Plot DIagram
    • tool used to map events in a story and used to analyze the major part of a plot
    1. Exposition: characters and setting
    2. Inciting Moment: conflict starts
    3. Rising Action: conflict and characters develop
    4. Climax: highest point where major events are confronted
    5. Falling action: events immediately following the climax which leads to the closure of conflict
    6. Resolution: conclusion/closure
  • Reading
    • act of getting additional information on a specific topic
    • incoporation w/ existing ideas on same topic
    • getting meaning from a printed text
  • Outlining
    • a process of organizing info gathered from reading
    • a texual formwork includes ideal separated by specific heading and uses a numbering sytem to arrange ideas
  • Types of Numbering Systems
    1. Traditional - Alphanumerical
    2. Modern - Decimal
  • Topic Outline
    • hierarchical listing of topics in words/phrase form
    • shows main points with corresponding sub-points in a choice of sequences may wish to adapt
    • simply includes the specific words or phrases
  • Sentence Outline
    • expresses the list of topics in complete, sentences
    • sentences as like mini-thesis statement about a major topic and is corresponding sub-topic
    • thesis and topic sentence of each supporting paragraphs are fully written out
  • Topic Outline is far more brief and precised
    Sentence Outline is a longer stretch of complete idea conrtaining basic elements of sentence
    • Both hierarchical in structure
  • Readinng as a Process
    • Woods (2006) - reading is an activity which takes on stages or levels and it has 3 stages
  • Stages of Reading as a Process
    1. Pre - goals & objectives, knowledge is activated, and meaning of unfamiliar words are deciphered
    2. During - the reader grasp meaningg
    3. Post - establish and process
  • Strategies to be an Effective Reader
    Guessing from context
  • Previewing
    review titles, sections headings, and photo captions. to get structure and content
    • preview - objective/ fact based
    • review - subjective/ opinion based
  • Predicting
    • use of knowledge to a subject matter
  • Overviewing
    • look at chapters and sections for a general summary/ outline
  • Serveying
    • a rundown to a section or a quick look
  • Guessing from Context
    • use of background knowledge for the text
  • Paraphrasing
    • to restate work of texts or information
  • Techniques in Reafing
    1. Skimming
    2. Scanning
    3. Comprehensive
    4. Critical
  • 2. Overviewing - read headings, subheadings, introduction, conclusion, table of contents, index, etc.