Cards (23)

  • It is used for measuring instrument that measures only 1 foot or 12 inches
    1 foot ruler
  • Its core function is to replicate the dimension in full size or to decrease or expand it on a drawing
  • It is an instrument used for measuring angles
  • What are the values of each line in ruler?
    Small Lines: 8 odd numbers with /16
    Medium Lines: 4 odd numbers with /8
    Large Lines: 2 odd numbers with /4
    Big lines: 1 odd number with /2
  • It is used in drawing horizontal lines as a guide for triangles
  • It is used to draw vertical and oblique lines
  • It is an instrument used in drawing circles and arcs
  • Its uses is to transfer measurements by marking off points and to divide equal parts
  • Drawn from top to bottom
    Vertical Line
  • Drawn from left to right
    Horizontal Line
  • Drawn from top to bottom BUT slanted
    Inclined/Oblique Line
  • It is similar to letter C but no straight line from start to end point of the line
    Curved Line
  • It is a drawing without the use of any drawing instrument except pencil
    Freehand Drawing
  • It is a drawing with the use of drawing instrument like ruler and others that could make the drawing accurate
    Mechanical Drawing
  • It is a drawing with no particular object seen but has a meaning
    Artistic/Abstract Drawing
  • It is a thick line
    Visible Line
  • It is a medium thick dashes represents the hidden part of the drawing
    Hidden Line
  • It represents the center axis of a circle
    Center Line
  • It is a thin line used to show that the surface has been cut
    Section Line
  • It is a thin line that extends
    Extension Line
  • It is a thin line with an arrowhead
    Dimension Line
  • It is a medium thick line consisting of broken and straight lines draw alternately
    Long Break Line
  • It is a thick line drawn in freehand to show details that a part has been cut off
    Short Break Line