Cards (21)

  • Social Studies - is the study of the human society and its relationship with the environment.
  • Social Studies - integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence.

    1. Integration of knowledge
    2. Integration as curricular model
    3. Integrated experiences
    4. Social integration
  • Integrated experience - active role in educational process, student is involved in the learning process
  • Social integration - socially aware and engaged with others, and able to form and maintain relationships with others
  • Integration of knowledge - teacher provides tasks to integrate their knowledge
  • Integration as curricular model - mirrors the realities and issues relevant to learners.

    1. People, environment, and society
    2. Time, continuity, and change
    3. Culture, identity, and nationhood
    4. Rights, responsibilities, and citizenship
    5. Power, authority, and governance
    6. Production, distribution, and governance
    7. Regional and global connections
  • Text-to-text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World - using texts in learning.
  • Identity Chart - shape who we are as an individual.
  • Exit Ticket - captivate interest of students. Have them answer after lesson.
  • Socratic Seminar - group discussion format
  • KWL Chart - Know, What, Learn. Graphic organizers. Engage students from prior knowledg
  • Contracting - discuss policies in class.
  • Gallery Walk - display texts/ images in the classroom.
  • Jigsaw - students become "experts" who will share their ideas in the class.
  • 321 Strategy - 3 things you learned, 2 questions to ask, 1 aspect in class u enjoyed
  • Four Corner - position in one specific statement.
  • Story Telling - most effective teaching strategies.
  • Integrated curriculum - social awareness, connect real life issues
  • Interdisciplinary curriculum - connecting other subjects, incorporate other disciplines