Haemoglobin binds to oxygen in the lungs and releases it in the respiring tissue
4O2 + Hb -> (reversible) Hb.4O2
oxygen + haemoglobin -> oxyhaemoglobin
Haemoglobin must readily associate with oxygen where gas exchange takes place (e.g. alveoli) and readily dissociate from oxygen at the respiringtissue (e.g. muscle)
Haemoglobin can perform the requirements by changing its affinity for oxygen as it changes its shape
Affinity = degree to which two molecules are attracted to each other
Each haemoglobin molecule has 4 haem groups
each haem contains an ion of iron (Fe2+)
Cooperative binding:
one oxygen can bind to each iron -> 4O2 can bind to each haemoglobin
first oxygen that attacheschanges the shape of the haemoglobin molecule -> making it easier for the second molecule to attach
second oxygen that attacheschanges the shape of the haemoglobin molecule -> making it easier for the third molecule to attach
third oxygen molecule doesn’tchange the haemoglobinshape so it takes a largeincrease in oxygenpartialpressure to bind the fourth oxygen molecule
Cooperative binding = increasingease with which haemoglobin binds its second and thirdoxygen molecules
Cooperative binding allows haemoglobin to pick up oxygen very rapidly in the lungs
% oxygen saturation = how much haemoglobin is occupied with all 4oxygens
Red blood cells load oxygen in the lungs where the oxygenpartialpressure is high -> haemoglobin is saturated with oxygen
cells carry the oxygen, as oxyhaemoglobin, to respiringtissue, e.g. muscle
At respiringtissue,oxygenpartialpressure is low -> oxyhaemoglobin unloads oxygen and it dissociates
Oxygen affinity of haemoglobin is high at high partial pressure of oxygen -> oxyhaemoglobin doesn’t readily release
Oxygen affinity reduces as the partialpressure of oxygendecreases and oxygen is readily release, meeting respiratory demands
The more to the left, the more readilyhaemoglobinassociates with oxygen and less easily it dissociates from it
High metabolic rate -> loweraffinity of oxygen -> curve to the left
If haemoglobin has a higher affinity -> it loads oxygen more readily into oxyhaemoglobin
As levels of carbon dioxide increases, haemoglobin has a lower affinity for oxygen so oxygen is released more readily
Haemoglobin unloads oxygen from oxyhaemoglobin in respiring tissue as the partial pressure of carbondioxide is high so oxygen is needed
Bohr effect = movement of the oxygen dissociation curve to the right at a higher partial pressure of carbon dioxide, as at a given oxygen partial pressure, haemoglobin has had a lower affinity for oxygen
Carbon dioxide is transported in 3 ways:
in solution, in the plasma (approximately 5%)
as the hydrogen carbonate ion, HCO3- (approximately 85%)
bound to haemoglobin as carbamino-haemoglobin (approximately 10%)
Transported as HCO3-:
Carbon dioxide in the blood diffuses into the red blood cell
carbonic anyhydrase catalysss the combination of carbon dioxide and water, making carbonic acid
carbonicaciddissociates into H+ andHCO3- ions
HCO3- ions diffusesout of the redbloodcell into the plasma,chlorinediffusesinto the redbloodcell to maintain electrochemicalneutrality, known as the chloride shift
H+ ions cause oxyhaemoglobin to dissociate into oxygen and haemoglobin
H+ ions combine with haemoglobin to form haemoglobinicacid
oxygendiffusesout of the redbloodcell into the tissue