Cards (54)

  • Controlled drugs are substances that are often abused. It is illegal to use these drugs without prescription. Hence, they are called illegal drugs.
  • STIMULANTS are group of drugs that speed up the processes in the central nervous system. These drugs are called “speeders” or “uppers” because they make a person feel alert, awake, and very active.
  • Short term effects of stimulants:
    1. Appetite loss
    2. Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and breathing
    3. Erratic and violent behavior
    4. Intense happiness
    5. Panic attack
    6. Convulsion and seizure
  • DEPRESSANTS slow down the processes in the central nervous system. These drugs are also called as “sedatives” or “downers”.
  • Sedatives are drugs that produce a calming effect on a person
  • Examples of depressants are:
    • Barbiturates
    • Tranquilizers
    • Alcohol
    • Narcotics
  • HALLUCINOGENS are drugs that cause hallucinations. These are also called as “psychedelic” drugs which alter a person’s view of reality.
  • Ecstasy is both a hallucinogen and a stimulant
  • Community is defined as a sociological group in a large place sharing one environment. It therefore includes the individual and the family
  • Environment is defined as the surroundings or conditions in which a person, plant, or animal, live and operate
  • Community health is defined as the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all the members of the community
  • Environment health encompasses all the interactions of humans with their environment, and the health consequences of these interactions
  • Characteristics of a healthy community:
    1. A clean & safe physical environment.
    2. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs.
    3. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone.
    4. An understanding of local health and environment issues.
    5. A community that participates in identifying solutions to local problems.
  • Maternal Health Care: Pre-natal, Natal, Post-natal
    Child healthcare: immunizations
    Nutrition program: food supplementations
    Population and Family Planning Program: Free Family Planning
    Control of Communicable Diseases: Tuberculosis Control Program
    Environmental Sanitation Program: Inspection of Food Establishments
  • Perennial:
    • present all seasons of the year
    • persisting for several years
    • continuing without interruption
  • Perennial community health problems vary according to factors like economy, politics, geography, culture, and social context.
    • There are certain places in the country where there is not enough water supply, thus they have to fetch for water.
    • There are also greater chances that the water is not safe for drinking and consumption.
  • WASTE DISPOSAL: Household wastes, hazardous industrial wastes, and plastic wastes pose a threat to the environment and human health.
  • Refuse is a general term applied to solid and semi-solid waste materials other than human excreta.
  • Human excreta is a waste matter coming from our body (feces and urine); and sewage is a waste matter carried off by sewers
  • Sewer a pipe or tube that carries waste water & waste matter
    • Violence and conflicts are existing in different parts of the country. Poverty is one reason why many turn to do crime as their career.
    • Disobedience and no respect for the government officials is also another reason
  • Epidemic is an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly in a large number of people in the community.
  • Pandemic is an outbreak of disease that occurs in a large geographical area and affects a large number of people.
  • Long term effects of Narcotics
    • Irregular heartbeat that can lead to stroke
    • Psychotic behavior and hallucination
    • Organ failure or complication
    • Coma and eventually death
  • SHORT-TERM EFFECTS of narcotics
    • Chills, shaking, and drowsiness
    • Increased heart rate
    • Panic attacks
  • Substance Misuse - is the use of a drug for which it was not intended or using a drug in excessive quantities
  • Substance Abuse - is the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances such as alcohol and illicit drugs
  • Substance Dependence – a more complex disorder and is associated with the idea of addiction.
  • Short term effects of depressants
    • Slow brain function and breathing
    • Lowered blood pressure and fatigue
    • Dizziness nausea and vomiting
    • confusion, lack of body coordination, and sluggishness
  • Long term effects of depressants:
    • Aggressive behavior and agitation
    • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Chronic organ failure
    • Mental disorders
    • Paralysis
    • Comatose
  • PRESCRIPTION DRUGS may only be bought when a prescription is presented
  • CONTROLLED/ILLICIT DRUGS are substances strictly regulated by law because of their behavioraltering and addictive effects
  • Controlled drugs are substances often abused, illegal to use without prescription, known as illegal drugs
  • Stimulants are drugs that speed up processes in the central nervous system, making a person feel alert, awake, and very active
  • Examples of stimulants:
    • Cocaine
    • Crack
    • Amphetamines
    • Methamphetamine
    • Ephedrine
    • Ecstasy
    • Caffeine
    • Nicotine
  • Short-term effects of stimulants:
    • Appetite loss
    • Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and breathing
    • Erratic and violent behavior
    • Intense happiness
    • Panic attack
  • Long-term effects of stimulants:
    • Convulsion and seizure
    • Permanent damage in body organs like brain, kidneys, liver, lungs
    • High blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke
    • Malnutrition and severe weight loss
    • Hallucination
    • Depression
  • Depressants slow down processes in the central nervous system, producing a calming effect on a person
  • Examples of depressants:
    • Barbiturates
    • Tranquilizers
    • Alcohol
    • Narcotics