composed of cell bodies and unmyelinated interneurons
white matter
composed of myelinated axons
It is the myelin that gives the white matter its glossy white sheen
dorsal hornes
two dorsal arms of the spinal gray matter
ventral horns
two ventral arms of the spinal gray matter
Spinal nerves
pairs of spinal nerves are attached to the spinal cord--one on the left and one on the right--at 31 different levels of the spine
each of these 62 spinal nerves divides as it nears the cord, and its axons are joined to the cord via one of two roots: the dorsal root or the ventral root
Dorsal root axons
whether somatic or autonomic, are sensory (afferent) unipolar neurons with their cell bodies grouped together just outside the cord to form the dorsal root ganglia
many of their synaptic terminals are in the dorsal horns of the spinal gray matter
neurons of the ventral root
efferent multipolar neurons with their cell bodies in the ventral horns
those that are part of the SNS project skeletal muscles
those that are part of the ANS project to ganglia, where they synapse on neurons that project to internal organs
Spinal Cord and the Dorsal and Ventral Roots
A) Gray matter
B) whiter matter
C) dorsal root
D) dorsal root ganglion
E) spinal nerve
F) ventral root
G) ventral
H) dorsal
I) dorsal horn
J) ventral horn
K) unipolar sensory neuron
L) multipolar motor neuron
Early Development of the Brain
in the vertebrate embryo, the tissue that eventually develops into the CNS is recognizable as a fluid-filled tube
the first indications of the developing brain are three swellings that occur at the anterior end of this tube
these three swellings develop into the adult forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain
before birth, the initial 3 swellings in the neural tube become 5
this occurs because the forebrain swelling grows into two different swellings, and so does the hindbrain swelling
5 swellings that compose the developing brain at birth (anterior to posterior)
mesencephalon (midbrain)
*these swellings develop into the 5 divisions of the adult brain
in higher vertebrates, the telencephalon (the left and right cerebral hemispheres) undergoes the greatest growth during development
brain stem -> the rest of the divisions of the brain except telencephalon
brain stem
the stem on which the cerebral hemispheres sit
the myelencephalon is often referred to as the medulla
The Early Development of the Mammalian brain compared with an adult human brain
A) Forebrain
B) Midbrain
C) Hindbrain
D) Spinal Cord
E) Telencephalon (cerebral hemispheres)
F) Diencephalon
G) Mesencephalon (midbrain)
H) Metencephalon
I) Myelencephalon (medulla)
J) Spinal cord
5 Divisions of the Adult Human Brain
A) Forebrain
B) Telencephalon
C) Diencephalon
D) Midbrain
E) Mesencephalon
F) Hindbrain
G) Metencephalon
H) Myelencephalon
Myelencephalon or medulla
most posterior division of the brain
composed of tracts carrying signals between the rest of the brain and the body
contains the reticular formation
Reticular Formation
complex network of about 100 tiny nuclei that occupies the central core of the brain stem from the posterior boundary of the myelencephalon to the anterior boundary of the midbrain
named bc of its netlike appearance (reticulum means "little net")
the reticular formation is referred to as the reticular activating system bc parts of it seem to play a role in arousal
the various nuclei of the reticular formation are involved in a variety of functions (sleep, attention, movement, maintenance of muscle tone, and cardiac, circulatory, and respiratory reflexes)
houses many ascending and descending tracts and part of the reticular formation
These structures create a bulge, called the pons, on the brain stem’s ventral surface
2 Major divisions: pons and cerebellum
little brain
large, convoluted structure on the brain stem’s dorsal surface
an important sensorimotor structure
cerebellar damage eliminates the ability to precisely control one’s movements and to adapt them to changing conditions
the fact that cerebellar damage also produces a variety of cognitive deficits (e.g., deficits in decision making and in the use of language) suggests that the functions of the cerebellum are not restricted to sensorimotor control
Structures of the human myelencephalon (medulla) and metencephalon
A) Pons
B) reticular formation
C) medulla
D) cerebellum
2 divisions: tectum and tegmentum
dorsal surface of the midbrain
in mammals, it is composed of 2 pairs of bumps, the colliculi (inferior colliculi and superior colliculi)
inferior colliculi
posterior pair; have auditory function
Superior Colliculi
anterior pair; have a visual-motor function; to direct the body's orientation toward or away from particular visual stimuli
in lower vertebrates, the function is visual-motor and is often referred to as optic tectum
division of the mesencephalon ventral to the tectum
contains three colorful structures of particular interest to biopsychologists: the periaqueductal gray, the substantia nigra, and the red nucleus
Periaqueductal gray
gray matter situation around the cerebral aqueduct
cerebral aqueduct
the duct connecting the third and fourth ventricles; has a role in mediating the analgesic (pain-reducing) effects of opioid drugs
The substantia nigra (black substance) and the red nucleus are both important components of the sensorimotor system
composed of two structures: the thalamus and the hypothalamus
is the large, two-lobed structure that constitutes the top of the brain stem
one lobe sits on each side of the third ventricle, and the two lobes are joined by the mass intermedia which runs through the ventricle
visible on the surface of the thalamus are white lamina (layers) that are composed of myelinated axons
comprises many different pairs of nuclei, most of which project to the cortex
The most well-understood thalamic nuclei are the sensory relay nuclei
Sensory relaynuclei
nuclei that receive signals from sensory receptors, process them, and then transmit them to the appropriate areas of sensory cortex