Cards (10)

  • An archetype is a pattern from which copies can be made
  • Archetypes are considered a universal theme
  • Carl Jung believed archetypes are a result of the collective unconscious, a shared experience of our ancestors
  • Archetypes are primordial, ingrained in us before birth
  • Archetypes are universal, found worldwide with similar ideas but different manifestations
  • Archetypes fall into 2 categories: characters and symbols/situations
  • Archetypal communities by Northrop Frye:
    • Spring: Birth phase, a hero is born
    • Summer: Marriage or love
    • Autumn: Death and isolation
    • Winter: Dissolution and death of a hero
  • Comic world and tragic world:
    • E.g., a river=comic vision of the unformed world, but a sea=tragic vision of the unformed world
  • A hero's Adventure by Joseph Campbell:
    • Heroes go on tasks (external) or quests (internal)
    • A hero has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself
    • A hero is always ready for the adventure they are given
    • 2 types of deeds:
    • Physical deed: Saving lives, killing a monster, etc
    • Spiritual deed: The hero learns how to experience human spiritual life and comes back with a message
  • Utopian Dreams by Val Ross:
    • Utopia means "no place"
    • One's utopia is another person's dystopia
    • Oscar Wilde said that a map of the world that does not include utopia is not worth glancing at
    • “Progress is a realization of Utopia”
    • Oscar Wilde believes that man is made for the better
    • “Man is better than distributing dirt, all work of that kind should be done by a machine”
    • To improve, humans must believe that we can achieve a perfect society